Investigator Duo Brothers.

Start from the beginning

Making my way through the store, I stopped in front of the lingerie rack beginning to go through it while Briana looked through the tracksuits across from me.

I never wasted my money on expensive ass lingerie because it honestly irritated Jeremiah, when he was in the mood he just wanna get to it then and there. All the nets, knots, and strings irritates the hell out of that man.

But his birthday is coming up, and this one has to be special because he has been through a lot this past year and I want to give him an opportunity to just take a break from our hectic lifestyle and just sit back and be recognized for all he had accomplished. I want to do something out of the box and different, I want to make sure my baby feels special.

"No no girl what about something like this?" Scrunching my face as Briana held up a lingerie set, I scratched the side of my head trying to understand if it was even wearable from the lack of clothing that went into the piece. "That shit screams yeast infection."

Walking over to the other side of the rack continuing to go through the pieces, I squinted my eyes stopping as a familiar laugh crowded my ears. Looking straight ahead Briana and I made eye contact at the same time, mouthing to each other "yo you hear that".

Turning towards the familiar voice, I widened my eyes as I attempted to rub my eyes making sure I was seeing what I was actually seeing.

There Ella stood next to a female I've never seen before giggling as the female ran her lips along Ella's neck, while Ella attempted to move while the girl held a tight grip upon her waist.

"What the fuc-" Quickly holding my finger in front of my lips shushing Briana's loud ass, I signaled her as we quickly ducked moving behind the clothing rack they were standing in front of swiftly.

"Baby chill out, I have to go pick up my daughter and drop her off at her Dad's." Ella lowly moaned from behind the rack, as Briana went to stand up and let her presence be known but I quickly grabbed her shoulder pulling her right back down beside me. "Megan it's almost four come on."

"Okay... I'll come with you."

"NO." Ella quickly turned down Megan's request lightly chucking, seeing Megan was becoming slightly offended by her tone. "My Momma uh... my mom doesn't like unannounced new company."

"Bitch what?" Quickly covering my mouth not meaning to say that aloud, I froze as Ella placed her hands on the rake separating the jackets we were standing behind glaring down at us. "Ummm... Briana look it's Ella. What a small world, hey girl how you doing?"

"Mhmm hey Ella, wassup wit ya tongue, I mean you." Briana questioned turning her head slightly to the side as Ella looked between us speechless unable to find the words, while I kept sneaking glances at the female standing beside her completely clueless with what was just revealed. "Nice to meet you Megan, I'm Briana... Ella's sister in law and this is Jhene, also Ella's sister in law."

Holding out my hand as Megan smiled back at us shaking our hands, I walked over to the other side of the rack placing my hand on Ella's shoulder rolling my eyes as she flicked my hand off of her clearly big mad.

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