Chapter nine

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~Time skip, 6:30am next morning~

Nick's POV

I woke up at 6:30am, no one else was awake so I decide to pull a prank on everyone. I decided to take an air horn and blow it in everyone's ears, I had to go to the store so I grabbed my keys and got into my car. On the way there I listened to Cookie Shop bye ZaeHD & CEO, after that song I listened to Suge bye DaBady. When that song was over I arrived at the store, I went inside after shutting the car off and grabbed like ten air horns. I payed for them then went back to the house, when I got inside I saw that Tayler and Thomas was already awake so I told them the plan and they agreed, Tayler has Chase, Paper, Calvin, and Patrick. Thomas has Alex, Kouvr, Addison, Chrali, and Dixie. While I had Ryland and Alinta, I went up to Rylands room because I know Alinta stayed in there last night. I opened the room really slowly and saw Ryland and Alinta cuddling, I'm kinda scared to wake Alinta because I don't know what she'll do. I mean I'm her twin the worst she would do is throw me in the pool right?

I went up to them and put the air horn to there ears then I set it off, they both bolted awake. Ryland looked scared while Alinta looked pissed, she stared at me with evil eyes, I was getting scared.
"Nick fucking Austin you better be running because I'm gonna beat you're ass." She said, I got scared so I bolted out of the room and down the stairs, I ran I got he living room to find everyone else awake. They looked at me like I was crazy.
"" I said in between breathes.
"NICK AUSTIN I'M GONNA KILL YOU." I heard Alinta scream while running down stairs.
"Oh shit." I said then started running off again. Everyone started laughing. I looked back to see if she was following me and she wasn't, I let out a breath then turned around. What I saw scared the shit out of me, Alinta was standing there while looking at me with her evils eyes. I screamed and ran back I got he house and hid behind Alex.
"No." I said. I felt someone pick me up, it couldn't be Alinta she isn't this strong. Well I was wrong, when I looked back I saw her. I screamed and tried to get out of her grasp but she was to strong, she teleported to the backyard and threw me into the pool.
"ALINTA FUCKING GREY." I screamed as I came back up. I looked up at her and she was laughing her ass off.

Alinta's POV

I was sleeping peacefully cuddled up against Ryland when we bolted awake because someone blew a air horn in our ears. I looked up and saw Nick, I was pissed, I gave him evil eyes while Ryland was scared.
"Nick fucking Austin you better be running because I'm gonna beat your ass." I said. He looked sacred. He bolted out of the room and ran down stairs, I got up and followed him.
"NICK AUSTIN IM GONNA KILL YOU." I yelled running down stairs.
"Oh shit." I heard and saw him bolting out of the house. I decided to teleport in front of him, when I teleported in front of him he was looking behind him. Probably looking to see if I was following him, he saw that I wasn't, he let out a breathe and turned back around. He saw me and got scared, I was looking at him with my evil eyes, he screamed and ran back inside and hid behind Alex.
"No." He said. I teleported behind him and picked him up. He looked behind him and screamed, he tried getting out of my grasp but I was to strong. I teleported to the backyard and threw him into the pool.
"ALINTA FUCKING GREY." He screamed while coming back up. He looked up and saw me laughing my ass off.
"Your lucky your getting off the hook this time." He said while getting out of the pool.
"Well next time don't wake me up from my sleep, I for once got to sleep in a comfy bed." I said. He looked at me in shock.
"What do you mean for once you got to sleep in a comfy bed?" He asked me.
"We'll see after dad became abusive he took my bed and switched it out for this old piece of junk that was hard as fuck and the hotel room that I was staying in for the past two days before the sway boys found me were hard as fuck and really uncomfortable." I told him, he looked sorry.
"I'm sorry I didn't know." He said looking down.
"Hey it's okay at least I had a bed to sleep on." I said laughing.
"Yeah I guess so." He said laughing too.
"Come on you're probably freezing." I told him.
"Yeah I am." He said, we laughed and headed back inside. He went upstairs to change while I sat on the couch beside Ryland.
"Morning babe." He said kissing my check.
"Morning Baby." I said kissing his check.
"Baby? When did that happen?" Thomas asked.
"Last night." We both said at the same time.
"Wait till Nick hears this one." Calvin says.
"Shut up Calvin, Nick doesn't have a problem with it." I said.
"How do you know?" Kouvr asks.
"He said so last night before I changed." I told them, they all nod.
"I didn't say anything about it." Tayler says. I look at him and frown.
"Yeah well your my cousin not my twin brother so you don't have a say in it." I tell him.
"Yeah you don't have a say in it." Charli says to Tayler. We all laugh.
"Okay well imma go get dressed I have a lot to do today, if you want me I'll be in the shower in Ryland's room." I said walking away.
"Wait you don't have clothes." Ryland reminds me. I gave him the 'are you serious look' and walked away. I teleported my bag to me and took out an outfit, then grabbed my towel, hair and body stuff, a washcloth, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, my phone and walked into the bathroom. I took of the shirt and shorts that Ryland gave me last night to wear to bed and started the shower, I then took my hair out and brushed throw it a little bit I then took off the three brackets I was wearing and put them on the counter. I went onto pandora and played my WDW playlist and finished getting undressed, I then got into the shower and started washing my hair. After I was finished washing my hair I washed my body and rinsed off, I shut the shower off and got out , I started to dry off, when my body was complete dried off I put my hair in the towel and put my underwear and pants on. I then dried my hair with the towel and put my bra on, I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair, after that I put my shirt on and brushed my teeth. When I was done with that I grabbed Ryland's clothes and my phone and went back I got he room. This is what my shirt looked like.

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