Chapter two

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I just got to the hair salon, I walked in and walked up to the front desk were there was a lady standing.
"Hello I'm here for my appointment." I said to the lady.
"Hi, what's your name?" The lady asked me.
"Alinta Grey." I told her.
"Ok, Alinta getting her hair died today are we?" She asked me.
"Yes I am." I told her with a smile.
"Ok follow me." She said returning the smile. She brought me to a chair we're there was another lady standing waiting for me. She told me to sit, I did what I was told and she started my hair.

~Time skip, after she was done dying her hair~

The lady just finished my hair, I went up to the front desk again and paid. I then walked out and started ridding my skateboard to the skate park, where I would spend the next one and half hours just riding around until it was my next appointment for my nose and lip ring. I just got to the skate park and started riding around, before I knew it the time was already 2:19. I decided that I would start heading to my next appointment, when I got there it was 2:59 I minuet early. I walked in a told the man standing behind the front desk my name and what I was here for. He lead me to a chair and then soon after another man came and stared with my nose ring. I told him that I wanted a ring with the devils tail at the end, I told him that I wanted it to be red and he got started right away. After he did that he started on my lip ring, I told him that I wanted it to be black and that's what he did. After that was done I payed and left, I went to McDonalds because I was hungry.

~Time skip, after she finished eating~

(A/n: I'm sorry about all the time slips I'm just lazy and don't want to write all the details.)

I just got back to my hotel room and I was 11:00 pm, I payed down on the bed and opened Netflix and binged victorious. When I checked the time it said 1:40 am, I was tired so I took my nose and lip ring out, plugged in my phone, and brushed my teeth then went to bed.

~Time skip, next morning~

I woke up at 5:30 because I had to check out by 6:30. I got up grabbed my towel and washcloth, phone and clothes, then got into the shower. When I was done I got put dried my body put on my underwear then shorts which were theses

 When I was done I got put dried my body put on my underwear then shorts which were theses

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(Without the tag obviously)

Then I put on my bra and brushed my hair, after I did that I put my curry tank top on

Then I put on my bra and brushed my hair, after I did that I put my curry tank top on

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Then I brushed my teeth. By the time I was done in the bathroom it was 6:10, I had some time left over so I put my warriors hoodie around my waist, grabbed my headphones which had my warriors lanyard still attached onto them, put them into my pocket with the lanyard hanging out of my pocket, grabbed my phone and wallet and put them into my pocket. After I was done with that I went around and made sure I had everything then shut all the lights off, grabbed my bags, skateboard, rooms key, then went down to the main lobby where I checked out gave them the room key and headed out. I decided to go to Macdonald's because I was hungry. Once I got there I ordered on the self order thing, got my food sat down and ate, after I ate I went to the skatepark for a while.

When I got to the skatepark I saw a group to teenage boys, they weren't paying attention to me so I just put my stuff down then hopes on my skateboard and did some tricks and other stuff. By now the group of boys were looking at me, I didn't really pay attention to it, they weren't really that interesting but I really wasn't paying attention to where I was going at the same time. Once I looked back at where I was going it was to late to stop my self my board hit a side and I went flying off it, the group of bus saw and came running up to me.
"Oh shit, are you alright?" One of the boys asked.
"Uh yeah, just wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said back.
"What happened to your face and arms?" Another one of them asked.
"Oh that-um that's-um from-um." I didn't know what to say, no one knows about how my dad abuses me, and I surly don't want to tell the random group of boys who I just meet to know what my dad does to me.
"You don't cut yourself, do you?" One of them asked.
"No. No I don't, it-it wa-was..." I trailed off.
"Here let me help you up." The one who asked if I alright help me up.
"Ow." I said when I put my foot down of the ground and leaned on it.
"Oh shit, you might've sprained your ankle." The boy said. I looked into his eyes he had to at least be nineteen, which sucks because he's kinda cute.
"So what your guys names?" I asked.
"I'm Kio, that's Griffin, that Anthony, that's Josh, that's Bryce, and that's Jaden." The one supposedly named Kio pointed to all of them and said there names. They all looked older then me, which sucked but with there looks they probably have girlfriends.
"So what's your name?" Josh asked me.
"Alinta. Alinta Grey." I said with a smile on my face. "That's a pretty name." Jaden said with a smile on his face.
"Yeah, I get that a lot. Actually the only person who has ever told me that was my history teacher." I said with a frown on my face.
"Well you see for a fifteen year old girl I don't have life really well, the reason I have cuts on my arms and face is because my dad is abusive and I get bullied at school. The only teacher who likes me is my history teacher, I lost my mom when I was nine, then when I was thirteen my dad made us move up here because he couldn't stand the memories of the house we where staying in at the moment." I told them, they all had sad looks on the faces.
"That's really sad, I'm sorry." Anthony said.
"Really it's nothing I learned to deal with it, but I don't have a place to stay. I was staying in a hotel but I checked out earlier today because I didn't want to risk my dad finding me." I told them. "Well, I'm going to just grab my board then go back to my stuff and go find another hotel." I said.

I turned around and was just about to start walking to go get my stuff when I feel to the ground. I then remembered that I sprained my ankle, I sighed and went to get back up but I couldn't. I just payed on the ground wanting to give up with my life, I heard the boys chuckle then I felt myself getting picked up and stood back up, but this time with the support of Bryce.
"Thanks." I told him.
"No problem." He said. Then Griffin came over.
"Piggy back?" He asked.
"Hell yeah." I laughed. I jumped on his back then Kio grabbed my board and we started to walk towards my stuff.

A/n: Yeah that's it for this chapter it's all ready really long, Ill continue this in chapter three. Peace ✌️.

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