Chapter fifteen.

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"BEBE." Avani yelled coming down the stairs.
"VANI." I yelled and ran over to her and hugged her.
"You ready to do this?" She asked me.
"Yep." I told her.
"Great let's go." She said and pulled me out of the door. We got into my car and I drove off, Avani got out and opened the gate, I drove out and she closed the gate and got back in. I drove off and we just jammed out to music.

~Time skip, at the hospital~

I pulled into the hospital and shut the car off, I looked over at Avani nervous.
"Don't be nervous Bebe, you'll be fine." She said putting her hand on top of mine in comfort.
"Okay, okay I'll be fine." I said taking in deep breathes, I took the keys out of the ignition and got out to the car, Avani followed me. I locked my doors and walked inside the hospital doors and went to the desk. Avani checked us in and we went to the waiting room, we sat for about fifteen minutes until a doctor came in.
"Alinta Grey?" He asked.
"Yes that's me." I said standing up.
"Okay follow me and your friend can come to." He said. Me and Avani followed him into a room so he had me sit down on the bed, he explained a few things then left and a different doctor came in. She did some test and stuff then left, I looked at Avani and smiled.
"I hope it's a girl." She said.
"Ryland said the same, I said I wanted a boy, then I said I wanted twins." I told her.
"Twins interesting." She said.
"Yeah a boy and girl, that would be so cool." I said.
"That would be so cool." Avani said then the doctor walked back in.
"So I have some good news for you Alinta." She said.
"Okay, I'm ready." I told her.
"Okay you're pregnant, congratulations." She said.
"OMG yay, Ryland's going to be so happy." I said.
"Well your free to leave whenever your ready." The doctor said and left the room.
"Well ready to go?" Vani asked me.
"Yep, I'm ready." I said getting up.
"Okay we should go to the store." She said.
"Why?" I asked.
"I don't know." She said and we left the hospital.

~Time skip, Walmart~

"Okay why are we here?" I asked Avani for the millionth time.
"Okay fine we're here to get stuff for you, we need to get one of the extra rooms in your house ready for the baby." She said.
"But we don't even know if I'm having twins or not." I told her.
"Fine then let's just go look." She said getting out of the car and running off. Ughh what am I going to do with her? I asked myself and got out of the car, I locked the doors and ran after Avani. We spent a half hour looking at stuff for the baby and I got some watermelon, pineapple, candy, drinks, and other stuff. We payed for our stuff and walked out to the car, I unlocked the door and we put the stuff in the back then got in. I started the car and drove to the hype house.

~Time skip, at hype house~

"WE'RE BACK." Avani yelled as we walked into the house. Ryland, Tayler, Nick, Calvin, Thomas, and the Lopez brothers all came running at us.
"Soooo, how'd it go?" Ryland asked me while coming over and hugging me. I looked up at him and smiled.
"I'm pregnant." I whispered.
"Amazing." Ryland said picking me up and spinning me around.
"Never thought my little sister would have a child before me." Nick said, crap I forgot he has powers to.
"Yep, Ha in your face." I said.
"Congrats sis, seriously I'm happy for you." Nick said coming over to me and hugging me.
"Thanks Nick, I love you." I said.
"I love you too." He said.
"Welp looks like my little cousin isn't so little anymore." Tayler said.
"Nope, I'm not little anymore." I said.
"Well what are we gonna do now?" Ryland asked.
"I kinda want to go to the sway house and hang with them because I haven't hung with them sense the day I got there." I said.
"Okay, just be carful." Tayler said.
"I will be." I told him.
"Can I come?" Ryland asked.
"Sure, I don't care." I said turning around and walking out the door and to my car. I got in and Ryland did the same, I started the car and drove out of the driveway after Ryland opened the gate, he closed the gate and got back in. I then stared our twenty minute drive to the sway house, after twenty minutes we finally arrived at the sway house. I shut my car off and got out, Ryland doing the same, I walked up to the door and walked in announcing that I'm here.
"HEY BITCHES GUESS WHO'S HERE." I yelled, I saw Josh, Griffin, Kio, Bryce, Jaden, and Anthony all come running from different directions.
"ALINTA." Anthony said.
"Hey." I said. Griffin then walked up to Ryland and they had a little stare off for a few seconds before Griffin spoke.
"What's up you little bitch." Griffin said, I was slightly confused before I saw that Griffin had a smile on his face and so did Ryland.
"Nothing you little bitch." Ryland said. Okay this is a little weird, I should probably tell them about me being pregnant. I thought.
"Okay, okay, okay. Stop it this is getting weird, anyways me and Ryland has something to tell you." I said getting everyone to look at me. Ryland looked at me confused so I did a little motion towards my stomach, he instantly got it.
"Ohhh, yeah we do have something to tell you." Ryland said coming over behind me and wrapping his arms around waist and resting his chin of my left shoulder.
"Well? What's up?" Josh asked.
"Sooo, I'm pregnant." I said kinda fast because I was scared of the reaction I was gonna get from them.
"What really? that's amazing, I'm happy for you." Jaden said.
"Is it a girl or a boy?" Bryce asked.
"I don't know yet, I'm hoping a boy and Ryland's hoping a girl. But we kinda want twins." I said.
"Amazing, I can't wait." Kio said.
"I know right, I'm so excited." I said. After that we all just sat in the living room and talked for like three hours before me and Ryland decided to go back to the hype house.

Abused//Sway houseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora