Chapter seven

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"Ok well I'm tired so imma head to bed seeing that it's already 1:00 am, is there a guest room?" I ask them.
"Umm you not going anywhere until you explain what the hell just happened." Thomas says.
"Thomas I'm really tired please let me sleep I'll explain everything tomorrow I promise." I told him.
"You haven't meet Chase, Charli, Addison or Kouvr yet." He says.
"So I'm guessing that they are the people that are standing behind you?" I ask pointing to the four people that I don't know yet that are standing behind  him.
"Yep that's them." He says. "This is Chase, this is charli, this is Addison, and this is Kouvr." He says pointing to each of them.
"Yep and chase is off limits." Charli says.
"And so isn't Alex." Kouvr says. I laugh, they laugh along with me too.
"Don't worry I have my eyes on someone already and their not Chase or Alex." I say laughing. Everyone laughs with me.
"So who do you have eyes for then?" Addison asks me.
"Lets now get talking about that right now, I actually have an idea let's have a girls night in your room and we can get to know each other better and maybe I'll tell you who I like." I said to them. They agreed and we headed up to Addisons room.
"Ok girls out girl night to get to know each other better has officially started." Kouvr says.
"Yesss." We all yell.
"Ok first things first getting to know each other better." Charli says. After a while of talking and getting to know each other better Addison says something to me that I hoped wouldn't come.
"So Alinta tell us who you like." Addison says.
"Do I have to?" I ask.
"Yes!" All three of the girls say together.
"Ok, ok it's Ryland." I say in a whisper voice.
"What did you say?" Kouvr asks me.
"I said it's Ryland." I say a little bit louder, they start to scream, like really loud. Soon enough Alex, Ryland, and Chase open the door to the room and ask if everything's okay, we say yeah and they go back to do whatever they were doing before they barged into the room.
"Yo lets go to the tik tok bathroom." Charli says.
"Tik tok bathroom?" I ask clearly confused.
"Have you ever heard of the app tik tok?" Kouvr asks me.
"No." I say.
"Ok tik tok is this app were you can do dances and stuff like that and make funny interesting videos for people to watch, then there's the people who make tik toks and get big which is what we are." Charli explains.
"When we moved into this house the main room everybody would go to is the biggest bathroom, everybody makes there tik toks in there because of the good lighting." Kouvr says.
"We are kinda big on the app." Addison says.
"Ok so are we going to this so called 'tik tok bathroom'?" I ask putting quotations around the tik tok bathroom part.
"Yes follow us." Addison says. We get up go to the tik tok bathroom with the girls showing the way.
"Holy shit this bathroom is huge." I said I ahh as we walked into the bathroom, the girls laughed and I saw Ryland, Nick, Chase, Tayler, Alex, and Thomas in their to.
"Hey lil shortcake." Tayler said to me.
"Tayler I told you to stop calling me that, I'm not that short I'm at least the same height as Nick and Ryland." I told him. Everyone laughed.
"Yeah but to me you a lil shortcake." He said.
"Are you saying that because I'm shorter then you or younger then you?" I asked him laughing.
"Because your younger." He said.
"I'm not that much younger then you your only three years older then me." I said pouting. He laughed.
"Still younger then me." He said.
"Whatever." I said giving up.
"Hey Alinta have you noticed how much you and Nick look alike?" Chase said. Tayler's face became worried, I don't think he noticed that I saw tho.
"Tayler was do you look worried?" I asked him.
"Oh uh n-nothing." He said.
"Are you sure because your minds all over the place." I said.
"Hey stop reading my mind!" He said.
"Sorry it happens when people are nervous or scared, I can't help it." I told him. He sighed then took a deep breathe.
"Alinta do you know your dads last name?" Tayler asked me.
"No he never told me I just figured it was grey because that's my last name." I told him. He sighed again.
"Alinta, Nick, there's something you don't know." Tayler said.
"What is it?" Nick asked.
"First Alinta you have your mothers last name and second is that your twins." He said looking down. Everyone was shocked, Nick and I looked at each other in shock.
"W-what h-how?" I asked Tayler.
"Well you see when you were one you got separated. Your dad took you when you dad and your mom split, your mom took Nick. Nick has your dads last name while you have your moms." He started. "When you were nine your mom passed and Nick came out here and started to live out here with your uncle, your dad keep you in Maine but he didn't want anything to do with Nick, after a month of Nick being out here you guys moved. But because of your dad we had to keep you guys separated, I was only allowed to see one of you two and I couldn't chose, your dad forced me to see Alinta instead of Nick because he said Nick was a disgrace and a no body to the family. Why Alinta has your moms last name and Nick has your dads last name is something I have no clue about." Tayler said.
"Wait but when I went to go visit mom I never saw Nick, if he lived with mom then why did I never see him?" I asked.
"Every time you went over your mom sent him to your grandparents or in that case her parents house." Tayler said.
"So your telling me I've I had a long lost sister and were only finding out about each other now?" Nick asked.
"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying." Tayler said.
"Your dad became abusive when your were thirteen an-"
"Yep he still is do this day." I said cutting him off.
"I tried getting custody of you but he wouldn't allow me. When you were at school we would argue about it but he never allow it, I to give up because he threatened that he kill you if I didn't stop trying to get custody of you." Tayler said with a tear starting to form in his eyes. Everyone has been quiet this whole time no one speaking just Tayer, Nick, and me talking.
"Yeah well I wished you got me out of there that place was a hell hole, I'm glad I moved away from it." I said. Tayler and Nick laughed and so didn't I.
"I'm glad you got out of there to." Tayler said.
"At least you wot have to deal with an abusive dad anymore, I can't imagine what would happen to me if I was there." Nick said.
"I'm glad you weren't there, if dad doesn't like you then you probably would've been dead." I told Nick.
"Yeah but I wish I could've seen you grow up." Nick said with a pouty face.
"Aww Nick that would've been really nice to see you grow up too. But now we can watch each other grow." I told him.
"Yeah your right." He said. We started to talk about something different then that topic, soon enough it was six in the morning and we were still hanging in the bathroom."
"Hey guys we know who Alinta likes!" Addison randomly yells out. My eyes go wide and I run over to her using my super speed and covered her mouth.
"Do NOT tell anybody that." I told her.
"Ha really." I heard Chase say all of a sudden. I look over and I see Charli talking to him.
"She likes him." Chase said.
"Yeah." Charli says laughing.
"Charliiii, you weren't suppose to tell anybody!" I wine. Everybody laughs.
"Who is it?" Thomas asks.
"No one." I say really fast.
"Hmm sure that's not what you said when we were having our little girl talk." Kouvr says.
"Shut up Kouvr." I say.
"Who. Is. It? I have to know just in case I don't improve of him." Nick says all of a sudden acting like he's my older brother.
"Don't start acting like your the older one here." I told Nick.
"Hey Tayler who's older Alinta or Me?" Nick asks Tayler.
"You by like two minutes." Tayler says.
"Ha I'm older then you by two minutes." Nick says.
"Yeah yeah shut up it's only two minutes." I told him.
"So who is it?" Ryland asks. I don't answer.
"Ryla..." Kouvr Starts before I put my hand over her mouth real fast.
"Oooo." Everyone was saying beside Ryland. He looked shocked.
"Ummm I'm going to go for a walk." I say walking out of the bathroom really fast. That was something else.

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