Chapter twelve

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~Time skip, 6:00pm, at Alinta's house~

Nick's POV

We were all sitting out side pay the pool that had the waterfall when I started to not feel good, I didn't pay much attention to it, an hour later and I really didn't feel good so I got up and went to the bathroom.
"Hey Nick were you going?" Alinta asked me.
"Just to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I answered then went into the house. I found one of the bathrooms and went in, I knelt down on the ground and threw up. Oh great what's up with me? I asked in my head. I got done throwing up and flushed the toilet, I then went to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and washed my mouth out. I grabbed the bottle of water and went back out to the pool, I still don't feel good but I might be nothing I do often not feel good and I'm not sick so maybe this is what it was.
"Hey Nick you good?" Ryland asked me.
"Yeah I'm good." I said giving him a smile. He smiled back and went back to talking to Anthony and Thomas. I just sat there with my head down on the table with my eyes closed, I didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment.
"Nick you sure you good?" Ryland asked me again.
"Mhm." I answered. Like I said I really don't feel like talking to people at the moment, I just want to pain in my stomach to go away.
"I'm going for a quick walk." I said getting up.
"Ok if you want there's a trail in the woods right over there it leads down to a nice little lake. It's really peaceful and quiet." Alinta said pointing to a trail right on the other side of the pool.
"Ok." I said and started walking on the trail. I started to get really hot so I stopped and rested my hand on a tree, the next thing I know the tree burned and feel to the ground. I screamed in horror and ran back to the house, when I got back everyone was looking at me worried. I decided to just keep it to myself for right now, I don't even know what's going on with me anyways so there's not point in telling anyone.
"Nick you alright?" Josh asked me.
"Yep all good." I said sitting back down.
"Nick come here." Alinta said standing up and walking to a part of the backyard where we would be able to talk in privacy. I got up and went to where she was standing. Once I got there she started talking.
"Nick I know your not okay I can feel it." She said.
"You can?" I asked confused.
"Yes I can, so what's wrong?" She asked me again.
"I just don't feel that good that's all." I said leaving out the part that I burned a tree out in the woods.
"Well do you want to go take a nap or something?" She asked me.
"No I'll be fine." I said, I really wasn't fine I burned down a tree in the middle of the woods.
"Nick, Nick." Alinta was saying my name.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Are you sure your fine? Your really pale." She said.
"Yeah I'm fine." I said hoping that we could go back and sit down.
"Ok we can go sit now." She said walking back to the table, I was following behind her when I started to feel light headed. I tried walking but I couldn't, all of a sudden my legs gave out and everything went black. The last thing I heard was everyone yelling my name.

Thomas's POV

After Alinta and Nick has there little talk they started coming back over. Nick was behind Alinta a couple of steps behind, I was watching him carefully because he didn't look to good.
"Guys, look at Nick." I said getting everyone's attention to look at Nick. Next thing we saw was his legs gave out and he fell on the ground.
"NICK!" Everyone yelled running over to him. Alinta wasn't crying like a normal sister, she was telling everyone something to do.
"Tayler pick him up and bring him into the house and set him on the couch. Ryland go get him a glass of water with ice, have the water be really really cold and put like four ice cubes in it. Avani go up in my room and get a blanket and wet washcloth. Everyone else just stay out of the way." She said chuckling at the end.
"Ok." Tayler, Ryland, and Avani says at the same time. They all go and do what there told while the rest of us walk into the living room and sit on the couches, chairs, bean bags, or floor. Ryland comes back with the water and Avani came back with the wet washcloth, Ryland put the water on the coffee table, while Alinta took the washcloth and put it on Nicks forehead.
"Should we take him to the hospital?" I asked worried about my friend.
"No he'll be fine." Alinta said.
"How do you know?" Anthony asked.
"Because this has happened before." Alinta said. We all gave her a wired look.
"When I was in seventh grade I had a friend, he passed out and I did what I'm doing now, he woke up like twenty minutes after I put the washcloth on his forehead." Alinta explained. "So if we're lucky the it should be twenty minutes till he wakes back up." She explained.

~Time skip, Twenty minutes later~

Nick's POV

I woke up on the couch in one of the three living rooms on the first floor, I confused about how I got here because I didn't remember laying down on the couch. Then it all came back to me, how I wasn't feeling good, how I put my hand on the tree while I was walking the path to that little lake and it burnt, how Alinta and I talked about if I was okay and that I fainted because I got light headed.
"Guys?" I said sitting up.
"HE'S AWAKE!" I heard Calvin yell.
"Jazz Calvin were sitting right here we know." Bryce holding his head.
"Oh right sorry." Calvin said apologizing.
"Hey Nick how you feeling?" Alinta said coming up to me.
"Better, how long was I out?" I asked.
"About an hour." Alinta answered. (A/n: He was out before she put the washcloth on his forehead, and that was probably ten or twenty minutes then he was out for the other twenty minutes after she put the washcloth on his forehead.)
"Wow that long." I said standing up.
"Woah you should rest, I don't think you should be walking right now." Thomas said pulling me back down onto the couch.
"But I have to show you guys something." I said standing back up. I was going to show them the tree that I burnt when I touched it.

A/n: I'll update the next chapter soon. All I know is that it will be up soon. Well that's all I got to say peace ✌️

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