12 September 2080.

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The world seems to be falling apart.

Trees are dying; land is being flooded, while other parts of the world is so warm, we are unable to live there.

Humans are forced to wear masks, to be able to breathe.

My mom would be crying if she had seen the way the world have gone to bits since she died.

It's been 11 years since she took her final breathe.

It happened on my birthday, and I haven't held one since.

Today is like any other, except for the fact that I turn 18 and everyone around me seems to think that is a big thing, I don't think it's that important.

"Hyung!" A short black haired male run up beside me, panting softly as he struggle to keep up with my speed.

"Yes Jimin?"

"Happy Birthday!" He exclaim happily.

I stop in my track, making Jimin bump into my arm and shoulder, falling back on his ass with a loud thud.

"How many times shall I tell you this Jimin, stop wishing me a happy birthday! It's not a happy day and I don't want to celebrate it!"

"Come on Hyung... It's been 11 years, don't you think it's about time you move on and try to focus on living your life?"

"Let me live my life the way I want to" I mumble, running a hand over my face, to press my finger against my nose bridge.

"Hm... are you on the way to the ministry?"

When we turn 18, the Ministry allow us an object, left behind by our parents, this object is what we will need to time travel.

We will only ever get one object and I have been looking forward to getting mine, since my mom passed away.

"That was the plan"

"Can I go with you?" Jimin ask ever so kindly.

For some reason I have always had a weak spot for Jimin, He is my only friend in this world.

Jimin is the only family I have left.

As we enter the ministry, as soft breeze of purified air hit our faces, which felt refreshing after wearing our masks in this unholy weather.

Jimin pull off his mask and breathe in the fresh air, we are both too poor to afford air like this.

The average life span of humans in 2080 is 30 to 40 years, living longer than that is a miracle.

Most people get a rare new type of lung cancer, which was also, what my mom suffered from before she died.

"Breathing proper air! What a blessing"

Jimin always managed to stay so positive, I am terrified for the day I will lose him to this awful world, he is too pure to die in just a few years.

"They truly are assholes for keeping it away from us"

"Funny how having clean oxygen is a privilege, oh how I wish I was rich enough to have clean oxygen in my apartment" Jimin sigh dreamingly.

"Rich people are assholes" I roll my eyes and walk towards a free counter, placing my mask on.

"How may I help you?" A woman asked, looking from my mask up at me, putting on the fakest smile I have seen in days.

"I need to collect my time travel device" I place my hand on the counter so she can scan the code on my arm.

"I see, you turn 18 today" she pressed a few keys and a box appeared on the desk.

"Have a good day" She says shortly, wanting us to leave as fast as possible.

Jimin took the box while I took my mask, finding a spot where we can sit down and open the box together.

The box is back and not bigger than I would be able to hide it in my palm.

"What do you think it will be?" Jimin whisper, inspecting the box closely.

"I don't know... lets open it and find out" Jimin smile softly at me, as I carefully open the box, revealing a gold pendent with an emerald stone in the middle.

I carefully pull it out the box, holding it up in the black strings.

"Wow! It's beautiful"

"It was my mother's favourite necklace... she never took it off..."

"Seems she did take it off though, right before she died"

I swallow a lump in my throat and nod, trying not to tear up, as I pull it down over my head, letting the pendent sit ever so perfectly between my collarbones.

"You shouldn't go looking for her" Jimin says, after I must have been staring at the necklace for far too long.

"I know" I whisper back, placing the baby blue mask back on my face. 


787 words. 

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