Lovey Dovey

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Two years have passed after Fiona lost every one of her family. She was doing her best to save the lives of the people who are in the hospital. She had to be strong and to look forward. Alastor and Dorothy were always on her side. She got so much support and love from them that she was brave enough to believe that she does deserve to be loved and to be happy. She always visited her Families grave and often that of her father asking for advice. She knew he was not there but she had the feeling he was there for her. It was the 13th of December 1923. This day was her 18th Birthday but she had a night shift. So she had no chance to celebrate it and was going to work instead. She was enjoying the time when she was back home and Alastor would be there. He looked amazing when he was cooking or even cleaning. He was always smiling but that never bothered her because she could see in his eyes what he was really feeling. Mimzy died last year and Alastor didn't tell her about this. He and Mimzy were close friends and he went to her funeral. The people did gossip and also called him heartless while his eyes were looking sad. Fiona asked him later why he didn't ask her to go with him but he didn't want to answer her and she didn't ask him ever again about it. Fiona was washing a patient who isn't able to wash his own body. He had to stay in bed after he was operated. Fiona wasn't bothered and did take good care. Some patients are embarrassed that a woman has to help them to leave the bed or to wash them. Fiona enjoyed the night shifts because they were calmer but still something could happen at any time and moment. This time Fiona was able to get earlier home than usual. She was happy to see her beloved man sooner and to cuddle him up and have a nice chat with him.

Alastor was very busy and decorated the living room for his beloved woman. He wanted to celebrate her Birthday but also wanted to propose to her. He was really nervous. She was the woman of his life that's why he wanted to make her his wife. Alastor was right now in the basement. He was cleaning his tools after he did torture a poor woman to death. Fiona was back home and he didn't realize that the door to the basement was still open. Fiona was wondering where he was and walked down the basement where she found him and a total bloody mess. His back was shown to her and he didn't realize that she was behind him. "Alastor?", she asked him. he turned around with still some blood on his face. He totally started to panic because she now saw something that he always did hide from her. "Fi... Fiona... I...", he didn't find the right words and she was getting closer. He was frightened about what she will do next. "Fiona please listen... I really did try to stop it b...but I couldn't..", he was stuttering in panic and closed his eyes as she reached her hand out. Fiona was taking a face cloth and started to clean his blood-stained face. "There was still some on your face.", she said very calmly with a soft smile on her lips. He was totally surprised. " don't... hate me?", he wasn't sure about it. "Of course not, how could I hate you. At least you did try it for me. It must have been hard for you to hide it from me. So please don't worry. I love you and I always will.", she said calmly and then he was hugging. He was so happy about her reaction and words that he needed to hold her close. "You're my perfect woman. My soulmate for all eternity.", he whispered into her ear. "Also why is the living room so much decorated?", she asks him then. She saw that it was decorated and didn't know what was going on. Then he let go off her and did go down on one of his knees. "The basement is sure not the best place for this.", he started to speak and was holding her left hand. "My dear beloved Fiona, I waited a long time for this day to come. I love you and I want to stay forever with you. Do you want to marry me?", he asks her the question of questions and her face was turning red a bit. "Yes.", she said with so much happiness. Then he was taking a small box out of his pants and there was a ring with an emerald stone and two smaller diamonds edged in it. He was so happy that he also started to cry a bit and was a bit shaking. Then he placed the ring on her left ring finger. He was picking her up and twirls her around in his embrace. Right now he was the happiest man of the world.

They were leaving the basement so they could celebrate her birthday and their engagement. Alastor was changing into some clean clothes. Fiona was very happy and was playing some music on the gramophone. Alastor was coming back holding her hands and dances with her to the music. He did take some days off so he could enjoy the time with her and also plan everything. Even if this incident wasn't even planned in the basement he was happy that she was still going to be with him. "I really did find the perfect person in my life.", he thought to himself while dancing with a happy smile. Fiona was also enjoying the time together. They danced, laughed, embraced, kissed, eat until he was picking her up and carries her like a bride to the master bedroom. Fiona was holding onto him. They would make so much love in their bedroom and no one could interrupt them. The next day Fiona was up early and made some breakfast she also used some of the human meat her beloved one hasn't eaten yet. She really hopes that he does like it. She also brews black coffee for him. Alastor was getting up and was just wearing shorts and his pants when he walked to the kitchen. He was hugging her from behind. "That smells great my love.", he said and kisses her cheek. She was smiling softly. Then she places it on the table and watches him eat with a smile. He really does enjoy his meal and that makes her happy. Today she had free so they both had some time together before going back to work.

Later the day Fiona and Alastor were taking a walk together while holding hands and looking around. The snow was laying on the ground and on the trees. She really loved this view even if it was a bit too cold for her. She cuddles her self against him so that she warms up a bit. Alastor was holding her close and was like always smiling happily. "What for a beautiful day.", she said and looks up into the blue sky. "But not as beautiful as you, darling.", he said and made her laugh a bit. They enjoyed the time together because they had not often the chance to stay with each other for a longer time. Right now both were really lovey-dovey and having a great time until they had to go back work the next day.

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