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Adriana's POV

I never would have imagined nor guessed that I would be standing here now. In this hall with everyone else sitted and I along with my cousin at her coming of age ceremony-standing.

Now I'm standing here; making everybody else anxious and terrified with my hand gun. All this drama is happening just because I fell inlove, it makes me wonder... Would I have been so naïve if I knew this would be the outcome?

Heck yeah! I can't say I regret most that has happened, but yes I do regret crossing roads with him. I mean like he was my best friend and then all of a sudden more than just a friend. I tried resisting but my traitorous heart won.

My heart was beating out of my chest. As I aimed the gun ready to fire... I had a choice to make-Should I shoot or get shot myself? Then he stared at me. Kia Xyllen. My love. He locked eyes with mine. "Are you really going to kill me?" He asked. His voice almost running chills down my back. "Yes." I answered. The crowd gasped in shock. His piercing hazel eyes met mine for a moment before I pulled the trigger. There was a fuss among the crowd as everyone ran out of the hall for their lives; I broke down. I thought of Kia. "Kia!" I cried out in dismay with no response...

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