"Oh yeah?" She laughed. "Okay."

"You look less beaten up than I'm used to," EZ remarked.

"I haven't been fighting," she said casually. "The last one rung my bell pretty good, I thought maybe my brain needed a break, my body too."

EZ looked at her sadly. "Almost sounds like you're punishing yourself. All these fights, not healing between," he said casually.

"You gonna shrink this head?" She laughed. "You have your work cut out for you. I win my fights anyway, so your theory doesn't shake."

"Still take a solid beating before though," he said. "I caught your last one, Roe, I saw you."

Roe rolled her eyes. "Maybe this was a bad idea."

"It wasn't," he said softly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," she huffed. "There's a reason Franky Rogan knows me so well, I'm a goddamn mess."

"What happened, Roe?" EZ asked gently.

Looking away, Roe shook her head. "What happened to you? Why's Angel so pissed?"

"Sharing secrets?"

"Sharing scars," she corrected him.

EZ nodded, "I betrayed him. My own brother. I regret it every fucking day."

"Betrayal?" She sat back and pulled her hand away from him. "Fuck, that's it?"

"It sounds simple, but it's not," EZ admitted shamefully.

Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, Roe hastily stood up and went toward the door. "Bye, EZ."

"Hey," he followed her. "Where are you going?"

"Home," she sniffled. "I thought you had something darker to share, something that didn't make me feel like a drunk, violent, piece of shit but you don't, you're still perfect and handsome."

"I'm not," he said staunchly.

"I don't want to do this," she said, on the verge of breaking down.

"Please don't go," EZ pleaded. "I'm not perfect, Roe."

"Sorry," she sniffled. "This was a bad idea."

"I killed a cop," he blurted out. "It was an accident, it was dark and I was singularly focused."

Her face changed, anger turned into sorrow before his eyes. "That's not what I expected to hear," Roe admitted.

"Cause of the kutte?"

She shrugged, "A little bit."

"What did you expect?"

"I...I don't know," she admitted.

EZ nodded. "I told you mine. What's yours?"

"I don't," she shook her head, "I don't want to tell you."

"My mom was murdered," EZ told her. "I was obsessed with finding who did it, justice or revenge I don't know. I found him, I was a couple of feet away and from the other end of the alley I heard a voice, I just turned and fired, I didn't even think."

Roe was silent for a moment. "I did think," she started, "It was a qualifying fight, a career maker and I was selfish and cocky and singularly focused. I just, I did it. Rabbit punch to the back of her head tore an artery, she died right there in the ring."

"Roe," EZ whispered. "I'm sorry."

Sputtering, Roe shook her head. "Yeah, so am I." Storming out, Roe was blinded by not only her years but the intense self-hatred she'd let fester for too long.

"Looks like the prospect let her down," Angel teased from a few feet away.

"Fuck you," Roe snapped at him.

Coco and Gilly immediately burst into hysterics while Angel was left mortified and furious. "Oh shit, guess she let him down," he said, trying to cover his reaction. "Teasing doesn't get you far, princesa."

Roe stopped and charged at him, hauling off and punching him in the nose. Blood spurted wildly as Angel fell back from the surprise and the force of the blow.

"Neither does negging, asshole," Roe sneered.

"Maldita perra," Angel hollered. "Don't come through that gate again."

"Hey," EZ clamored out of his trailer. "Leave her alone."

"Shut up, prospect," Angel said.

"Don't talk to her like that," EZ said fearlessly. "You're pissed at me, don't take it out on her," he said to Angel.

"Fine," Angel spit blood at EZ's feet. "Tomorrow. Me and you. In the cage. Time we settle this shit."

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