Chapter 9 Part 1/2: This Feeling

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Good night"

"Good night"

I exit his office and return to my own and go to my room. I stare at the blank ceiling and fall asleep.

Narrator's POV

As soon as she had her eyes closed, a dream of hers began.

Life was boring in the underground. So she had to do something but what?

Sometime Later...

After one of many heists pulled with their gang, Farlan was placed in charge of dividing the profits from the job among his comrades. Knowing that Yan was suffering from a leg injury and would need extra money to afford medicine, Farlan gave Yan a larger cut compared to everyone else's.

Noticing this, Levi requested to know why Farlan had been giving Yan preferential treatment. As Farlan was explaining, he was interrupted by the arrival of two young girls at their hideout's doorstep.

Seeing that they were being pursued, they scare off their pursuers and Isabel reveals that she was trying to get a bird up to the surface. That is why she was trying to sneak up the stairs. _____ was trying to stop her but that's when they got caught. Having seen the two of them perform heists using Omni-directional mobility gear, they both ask if they can become one of them. Levi agrees by saying they must first learn how to clean.

After they are trained and set the bird free, the quartet was approached about a job. Their advance payment is the treatment of their crippled friend Yan, who has already been taken away to a surface clinic. Levi views the arrangement as their client taking a hostage, rather than offering payment, and their client sweetens the deal by saying if they succeed they will receive the right to live on the surface.

As the quartet prepares for a heist, Farlan lets Levi know that he has confirmed the identity of the man offering the job and that Yan is safely in a first-rate clinic. This is the real deal. Levi tells his teammates to act normal and if their targets appear, they start the job.

Shortly after the heist begins, the quartet is pursued by more than the usual Military Police. Levi recognizes the Wings of Freedom and that the newcomers are from the Scout Regiment. The quartet split up and Levi tries to dodge his pursuers by diving through a building and exiting through a different window.

He fights with Miche/Mike Zacharius until their battle is interrupted by the arrival of Erwin Smith. The two face off and Erwin tells Levi to stop and look around. Levi sees that Isabel, Farlan, and _____ have been captured and he reluctantly surrenders.

The quartet is shackled at the wrist while Erwin interrogates them about where they obtained their mobility gear and their training. He recognizes Levi as the leader and asks if he was ever in the military. When Levi does not answer, Miche grabs his head and slams his face into a dirty puddle. Seeing Levi's mistreatment, Farlan insists they were all self-taught.

Erwin then offers Levi a deal. He will not be charged for his crimes if he joins the Scout Regiment. If Levi refuses, they will be handed over to the Military Police, who are unlikely to treat them well. After a moment's consideration, Levi agrees.

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