Chapter 9 Part 1/2: This Feeling

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Your POV

Waking up I see the dull former ceiling that can put me to sleep within a minute or so. I knew that I have another day to go through, a tough day to be exact.

I get up from my bed and follow my usual routine and make my way to the Mess Hall.

As I roamed the area, I see one of my squad members, Nathan Corpuz.

(You can change it if you want. >w<. But it has to be a boy's name.)

"Good morning, _____!" Nathan greets me

"Morning! Ready to start the day?" I ask

"Not sure. I'm just really worried about my squadmates, I just can't consider the fact that they might be eaten by a titan soon..."

"Nathan, Don't say such things! They will be fine as long as you believe in them." I place my hand on his shoulder.

Time is passing, I need to do work. Work as in paperwork. There is never enough paperwork, right?

"Nathan, I have to go do work soon. You should do your duties while there is time before we head out. Especially your cleaning, Corporal Levi might have another yelling session. You wouldn't want that. Right?"

"I understand! I will be going now, bye!" Nathan waves goodbye

A few moments later...

"Yeeh, my arm hurts!" I groaned in pain after training my subordinates.

"You did a good job! I am way more tired than you, Corporal/ Captain!" My squadmate joined in

'It's just gonna be another day. You'll be fine, _____.' I tried to calm myself.

The rest of the day continues...

"Waaah! I'm sa bored!" I complained

It was already dark and I was still in the hallway, my office should be somewhere. But then, an idea came up in my mind. I thought of finding Levi. Even if it is already night time, I have to make sure he's okay.

I waltz through the hallway to reach his office and place my ear against the door.

'Still awake. Of course!' Yes, I knew he has trouble sleeping but he needs to take care of himself. To be honest, I should be ready to tell him something soon before it's too late.

I knock on the door and heard a response.

"Who the hell is knocking on my door this late at night?!"

"I-It's just me, Levi! Can I come in?"

Sigh "Fine."

I open the door and close it gently close it to not bother any other cadets in their sleep. I'm certainly feeling slightly anxious about his sleeping manners. Like, he now gets at least two to three hours of sleep only. His eyes look tired as ever. I gather the courage to say what I need to say.

"You need to sleep... Your eyes look-"

"I know, is there anything you want to talk about other than that?"



"Umm... I'm just gonna go... I feel tired, see you tomorrow then."

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