Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War

Start from the beginning

Then I smile demurely and face Leon, "You've been on a spaceship? How fascinating, tell me all about it."

I resist the impulse to grin as Leon's eyes flicker provocatively with amusement.

I've got him hook, line and sinker. With a cherry on top.

As Leon begins to regale me with stories of traveling to Nornheim and Vanaheim I swear I can feel the heat of Loki's glare burning behind me. Still, Loki says nothing as he silently slinks away. As Leon continues to talk animatedly, I watch Loki seat himself on a red cushioned bench several feet away from us and stare off into the clouds and reach for something in his pocket. For a brief moment his shoulders appear slumped, but then he straightens out and cavalierly props up his feet in front of him and begins twirling his dagger between his fingers carelessly.

I feel my insides crackle with fury and coal-stoked fire ignites within in me. I clench my fists to resist the impulse to throw something at him. Of course he doesn't care. I shouldn't have expected him to!

I move to lean against the railing and face the bright blue sky and Leon does the same; resting his arms against the bronze railing. As we soar above the center of town, the artfully designed shops and twirling structures filling the marketplace, flash and glimmer in the sunlight. The streets are bustling with activity, but from this distance the people look like tiny dots darting across a winding maze of hurried streets.

"It sounds like you've had a lot of adventures." I remark, once Leon's finished his story.

Leon winks at me and tosses his long mane behind his elegantly composed shoulders, "Oh that's not even the half of it."

"Then tell me something else." I reply, letting my eyes drag over him slowly in a challenge, "Something a bit more intimate."

Leon grins his, eyes wild with burning amusement. "What would you like to know, dearie?"

I pretend to consider the question, blinking innocently and biting at my lower lip. "Tell me, is there a Mistress Milkmane in your life?"

Leon leans closer to me his eyes flashing with intrigue, "No not at all. Should there be?"

I return his wild gaze with a facetious smile of my own, "Maybe." I rake my eyes over him suggestively, "Or maybe you just prefer your freedom."

The pale white-haired elf cocks his head to the side, studying me with a new level of intensity. "Perhaps I do. Or perhaps I just like to keep my options open."

I roll my eyes, teasing lightly, "How very chivalrous."

He chuckles softly, his handsome smile reaching his eyes, and although the smile seems genuine, there is a hint of darkness and cunning nestled within them that makes me wary.

"I do aim to please." He replies before pointing to the horizon ahead of us, "Those are the famous gardens I was going to take you to. Some are made of glass and the others are candy gardens."

Huge glass structures catch my eye, reflecting ample sunlight as we soar closer. Glass bends in every direction sprawling out over hundreds of feet, reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors that shimmer in the sunshine. Thick vegetation surrounds the intricate glass sculptures, and flowers in every color cover the manicured grounds. Winding trails lead through the gardens and into what appear to be a giant maze, guarded by ivy covered walls and a fountain nestled in the center. As we soar over the maze, we approach an entirely different garden, one lined with rose covered trellises and tall fruit trees at full bloom, boasting pink and orange colored leaves. The large fruits and flowers glimmer in the sunlight, perfectly smooth as if they too are made of glass.

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