Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard

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"We were very careful." Loki replies charmingly, his lips curling into a smooth grin. "I enchanted an illusion of Nixx to make it look like he's still lounging in his estate. But it will only last for two days, so you'll have to find an excuse for his absence."

"Very good. And you squelched his rebellion and disbanded his army?"

"Indeed, I did my liege. I impersonated him and officially surrendered and resigned. But in order to quiet the Moon Elves I had to tell them you agreed to lift the tariffs and sanctions." Loki replies squaring his shoulders, clearly proud of his accomplishments.

   The Queen nods knowingly clasping her pale hands together decisively, "Yes I've already put that plan into motion. I was anticipating that you and Sif would do an excellent job. So, thank you Loki, I am very pleased with your results."

Satisfaction warms my chest, and though it irks me that Loki is taking all the credit, I don't care. I know I'm the one that figured out that bringing Nixx to her would work.

The Queen turns to the thin pale elf standing next to her, "Tell me Tirza, what should I do with the murderer and traitor?"

The slim white-haired elf regards Nixx thoughtfully, she's also dressed in all black as she regards Nixx slowly. Her stark white hair frames her round pink cheeks and two pointed ears that peak out behind thin braids. White freckles line her cheeks and her nose, contrasting her light skin and pink narrow lips. Her deep-set hazel eyes are both studious and kind as she chews at her lower lip hesitantly, "I don't think we should execute him." She replies in a similarly Russian sounding accent.

Queen Aelsa sighs tiredly, shaking her head, "My sweet Tirza. Always so good-natured and kindhearted to a fault."

Tirza's cheeks turn pink in response and her eyes dart away as she fights back a grin while smoothing the creases of her long black tunic.

"I suggest imprisoning him in the dungeons." I interject, confidently inserting myself into the conversation.

Queen Aelsa nods serenely as her eyes flick over the angry elf at her feet, "Yes, I was thinking just that." Then she turns her unwavering gaze back to the three of us, "Thank you for your quick and timely services, I am eternally grateful and honored to have the last remaining Asgardians willing to come to my aide."

"It was no trouble, dear Aelsa. And may I say, you haven't aged a day since I last laid eyes on your lovely face." Loki coos flirtatiously as he runs his hand through his silky dark hair.

The Queen waves him off demurely, swinging her inquisitive eyes towards me, "And who might you be?"

"Kamilla of Midgard."

"A pleasure to meet you Kamilla. I am Queen Aelsa Featherwine of the Alfheim Elves and I thank you for helping me secure peace in my realm."

I nod, "Of course. It was no big deal."

She gestures to the elf next to her "And this is Tirza Honeyshot, she works as my personal assistant and the court scribe.

Tirza smiles, her doe-eyes soft and kind, "Will you be staying the night then? We've prepared some guestroom suits in the castle for you."

"Oh, I'm not sure if we have the time..." I reply uncertainly, my eyes darting over to Loki, I know he's determined to get back to Klyntar as soon as possible.

"Nonsense," Loki cuts in smoothly, ignoring me. "We can certainly spare one night to stay in your lovely home."

"Fantastic, then we can properly thank you by having you join us for the Masquerade Ball and feast!" The Queen replies gleefully, her silver-green eyes sparkling in the moonlight, "I would love to have the three of you as my personal guests."

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