 "Why don't you have any clothes on?" He chuckled.
 "Would you prefer if I put clothes on?"
 "I don't care if you're naked or not it's just; do you like being naked?" Smiling he said.
 "I like being naked with you." She blushed.
 "You have a beautiful smile."
"Thank you." She couldn't stop blushing.
 "Can I ask you something?"
"Can you take a shower with me?"
  "I just took a shower."
 "But I want you to take one with me. Please."
 "Sure." She gave in.
 "Good." Standing he walked around the small table toward her. This time her eyes drifted to his dick which was semi erect and growing harder by the second. She placed her hand in his and he pulled her up. Untying her robe he slid it off her shoulders allowing it to fall to the floor.
   "I like you naked." He said caressing her cheek. Wrapping his arms around her he slid his hands down to her bare ass and boosted her up into his arms. He then carried her to the bathroom. Reagan laid in bed watching as Hunter got dressed. She really didn't want him to go especially after taking her in the shower. Damn that was something she would never forget.
   He told her that he had to go to work and that he was now three hours late. Once fully dressed he stood there and watched her. Sitting up the sheet fell off her exposing her bare breast. He walked around the bed toward her. Leaning down he kissed her.
"Stay." She blurted out. God she just didn't know how bad he wanted to hear that.
 "I can't stay right now. I have to go to work."
 "I know, but come back." She tugged on his suit jacket kissing him her tongue flicking over the roof of his mouth making him groan. "Say you'll come back."
 "I'll come back."
"I get off work late."
  "I don't care how late it is just say you'll come back tonight."
  "I'll come back tonight. I promise." After giving him another soft kiss she slid out of bed completely naked walked over to her bag and pulled out the key to her room. Turning back to face him she seen him staring at her naked body.
 "Like what you see?"
 "I love what I see." He said. Smiling she walked back over to him and handed him the card.
 "Here you go. Just come right in when you get off."
 "Will do." Taking the card he slid it into his breast pocket. He quickly left afraid he would stay if he didn't. Although he was the boss and the owner of the restaurant he always made an appearance. 
   All thru the day Hunter couldn't get Reagan out of his mind. Her beautiful face. Her beautiful body. The way they made love. His body grew hard with just the thought.
 "What's on your mind boss?" Hunter looked to find Terry one of his employees and good friend watching him. "You looked at that door twenty times in the last twenty minutes." Terry smiled. "It's a girl isn't it?" Smiling Hunter said.
"You always think you know me."
"That's because I do know you, and nothing ever distract you besides a woman. What's her name?"
 "Her name is nothing because there is no woman." He lied.
 "Yeah okay." Terry said chuckling.
"It's that woman I seen you with last night isn't it?"
"What woman?" Hunter asked trying to play dumb.
"That beautiful woman that was sitting all by herself. You went over to talk to her remember? Then you both left out but you didn't return. You went with her didn't you?"
"First you see too much. Second it's none of your business where I went last night." Ignoring his friends words he said.
 "So what you do; tell her you own this restaurant to get in her pants?" He joked.
"You know what...I'm out." He stood from where he was sitting. "Close up my restaurant. And for your information I didn't tell her anything, not even about owning this restaurant. I'm just that good." He heard his friend laugh as he turned and made his way toward the door.
   Hunter was a self made millionaire. His mother always told him (you get nowhere sitting on your ass) So he went to college for business got his degree and became his own boss. He now owned six restaurants spread throughout six different states. 
   As a kid he always thought cooking was just for women but as he got older he learned different, and he took a few cooking classes after discovering his love to cook. But his business didn't stop there. He quit cooking for a bit and went into social networking. He began buying companies that were falling apart built them back up then resold them. After a few years he found himself growing bored of that so he sold his company and began giving more attention back to his true love, which was cooking. His mother described him as a genius that easily bore. She also said that's why he never settled down because he easily grew bored of the women he was with. Now thirty five years old and still no kids his mother now jumped down his throat every chance she got. She wanted grandkids although she was already a grandmother from one of his sisters she wanted grandkids from him. He didn't see the difference but that was his mother. The woman that always got what she wanted. The woman that was never wrong when it came to her kids.
   As he got to Reagan's door he found himself fixing his clothes before knocking. She had given him the key but he felt that he should knock instead. It was now ten thirty at night. Maybe she was asleep. Maybe he should use the key; he didn't want to wake her. But wait he did want to wake her because he wanted to be inside her again. He began to grow erect with just the thought. Deciding to use the key he slipped the key card in the door slowly opening it. He looked on the bed to find her laying on her stomach sound asleep. Deciding not to wake her just yet he stripped out of his clothes and made his way toward the bathroom to take a quick shower.
    Reagan smiled as she listened to the running water. He had come back like he had promised. He had thought she was asleep when he came into the room but unnoticed to him she was woke the whole time watching as he stripped out of his clothes. He looked even better than this morning. It was like she knew he was there once he arrived at the door. She could feel him. She thought about him all day and feared that he would have decided not to come back. She continued to lay there until she seen him come out of the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, his chest exposed. Another towel drying his hair. The man was sexy without even trying. He had finally looked down at her to find her watching him.
 "You came back." She felt she was way more excited then she was supposed to be.
 "Of course. I promised didn't I?"
"Yes you did." She pulled herself up sitting on her legs exposing her naked body. He stared at her.
 "I want you to make love to me." Smiling he pulled off his towel.
"My pleasure." She looked at his erect cock and licked her suddenly dry lips. Crawling onto the bed he pulled her to him and she went to him willing. Wrapping her arms around his neck she gently kissed him. Sliding her hand down his chest she stopped when she got to his dick wrapping her hand around his erection making him groan.
"I want to taste you this time." She said pulling him down onto the bed. Straddling his waist she kissed him and began making her way down his body kissing everywhere she could. He closed his eyes and moaned once her mouth closed around his dick. She teased the head first slowly working her way down until she couldn't go any further. She loved the feel, the texture of this man. His dick was so smooth and stood straight at attention. She could feel him throbbing in her mouth. Could the man get any harder? She felt his body tense up and he slid his hand threw her hair. She knew that he was ready to explode. His hips began rising up and down in rhythm with her mouth.
  "Reagan." He groaned out. Gripping her hair she pulled up from pleasuring him.
 "What?" She said as if she was annoyed but love'd the effect she was having on him.
"I'm about to cum." He said in a strained voice.
"So cum." She said pushing his hand away and going back to pleasing him. He let out a loud groan once he exploded in her mouth. His body jerked as she lapped up every bit of him. Crawling over him she lay on his chest feeling as it rose and fell.
"How did you learn to do that so well?" Smiling she said.
"I've never done that before. You were the first."
"Really?" She nodded her head and after a moment of silence he said.
 "I want to see you for the rest of the time you're here." She pulled up looking down at him.
"Because I'm enjoying my time with you."
"I'm enjoying my time with you also and yes I would like to spend the rest of my time with you."
 "Okay, any plans tomorrow?"
  "How about we go to the beach. It's going to be beautiful tomorrow."
 "Okay we can do that. I mine as well have fun while I'm here. I go back to work when I go home." She said that only to sound good. She didn't know if she be able to go back to work with her new found cancer. But she didn't want to think about that now. She just wanted to enjoy her time with this man. She would worry about the rest later.
 "Okay the beach it is then."
"No work for you tomorrow?"
 "No." He said. Although he made it a habit to go to his business everyday tomorrow he would make an exception. Pulling himself up he flipped her on her back slowly entering her enjoying the warm tight feeling of her. Man how he could get use to this.

Three Reasons Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon