Chapter 12: I Heard The Bodyguard Has Arrived

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Chapter 12

Ildra had felt very bored these days. As soon as she had returned to the manor, she informed Midas of the suspicious restaurant. Midas immediately dispatched a person to act as an undercover person there. She had also informed him of her plan. To her surprise, the duke had agreed to her plan of going undercover to observe the town. The only catch was that she would have to wait a couple of days for a suitable bodyguard.

She frowned at the paperwork. Since she couldn't go into town these few days, Mids had given her a pile of paperwork again.

"Let's take a tea break," Ildra announced.

"Princess, that wouldn't be wise," Victoria started, "You've barely covered a quarter of the paperwork. The sun will set soon. How about working for a little bit more time?"

Ildra wanted to groan, but she didn't. This was at least the tenth time Victoria had said the same lines today. She could have snapped at her maid for being impudent, but she didn't. For Victoria's slow encouragement was actually helping her to work longer at the desk.

"Princess, you're working so hard. I'll go to the kitchen and make tea for you. By the time you're done with your paperwork, the tea will be ready. Then, you can relax on the chaise and drink some hot, steaming tea. So, keep working hard," Wendy grinned, while hurrying away.

"Thank you for the encouragement, Victoria. Thank you, Wendy," Ildra smiled. The nice image Wendy had put in her head and Midas' angry face motivated her to go back to scrawling on the paper.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Ildra all of a sudden sighed.



She turned to find Victoria leaning against the window, her eyes closed. How could she sleep in a standing position like that?

Ildra sighed. She walked over to Victoria's sleeping figure. It wouldn't be comfortable for her to sleep in a position like this. Ildra prodded Victoria's head so that it landed on her shoulder. Then, she dragged the maid over to the chaise, managing to get half her body on it. This was good enough.

"Princess," Wendy' voice floated through the door as she knocked on it. "Your bodyguard has arrived!"

"Really?" Ildra called. She was trying hard to keep her excitement from showing on her face. She placed her hand on the door handle ready to leave. "Goodbye paperwork," she murmured as she pushed the door open.

Ildra immediately ordered Wendy to take her to the bodyguard who she was informed was currently talking to Midas.

"Princess, you look excited to meet the bodyguard," Wendy commented.

Of course she was. She could finally go on the incognito mission.

"Are you sure I can't go with you, princess?"

A few days ago, Ildra had slowly broken the news to Victoria and Wendy. She explained to them that they couldn't go with her into town for a number of reasons. The main reason being that Wendy and Victoria were already spotted in town as her maids. If any of the townspeople recognized them, it wouldn't be good.

"You know why you can't."

"I understand, princess," Wendy responded

"But you can't at least take Victoria with you?"

"I wish I could take her with me. I feel a little bit uneasy with being alone with the bodyguard, but two devils serving a human would bring too much attention," Ildra explained.

"You're right." Wendy had completely forgotten about the matter that everyone around here were devils. Perhaps, it was because the devils acted like humans.

"Princess, I just realized something. Won't all the devils know that you're human? How will you go incognito?" Wendy curiously asked.

"I will pose as a human merchant's daughter, whose father has business on the Devil Continent."

Just then both master and servant arrived at the entrance of the manor. Ildra spotted Midas talking to a...Well she couldn't quite call him a man, but she surely couldn't call him a boy either. From what she could see of him, he looked to be about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"My lady," Midas bowed, noticing her presence.

The man- she decided to call him a man- turned towards her. She was greeted with a tall man with a broad build. His dark blue, almost black hair gave him a cold look. His cool blue eyes reinforced this image. However, right now those cool blue eyes were filled with warmth.

"My lady, it is an honor to serve you," The man said while kneeling down on one knee.

Ildra couldn't quite put her finger on it, but for some reason she had a sense of nostalgia when looking at his face. It was almost as if she had met him before. But that was impossible. During her life in that palace, she had only met two devils. The first one who was her messenger was way older than this man. She had met the second one four years ago. His image did not match that devil's image.

"My lady, this is the bodyguard that the duke has sent to protect you on your undercover missions, Soren," Midas informed.

"You look young," Ildra commented.

"I am seventeen years old. But my lady, I assure you that even though I'm young, this body isn't for show," the bodyguard calmly responded.

"You don't need to keep kneeling. You may stand up."

Soren slowly stood, his eyes falling on Ildra. He widened his smile. She was shocked by that smile. Ildra couldn't help but think that his face wasn't used smiling. She didn't know why, but she kept on perceiving the image of a cold man from him.

"Should I call you princess or my lady?" he asked.

"You can call me whatever you feel most comfortable with." With that, Ildra started to walk away with Wendy trailing behind her. Soren didn't hesitate to follow her too.

When they reached her door, Ildra spoke "You may go to your room and freshen up now, Soren. I have Victoria with me now. She knows martial arts too." Soren simply bowed to her before leaving. Inside, she laid down on her comfy bed, her mind whirling with thoughts about the bodyguard. Something felt both off and familiar about him.

"Princess, I heard the bodyguard has arrived," Victoria spoke up. She had woken up before Ildra arrived.

"Before, I leave you must teach me a few basic martial arts moves."

It was better to depend on herself and not others. Moreover, if Soren ever decided to betray her, she would at least have a fighting chance to survive.

"Of course, princess."

"Hmm" was Ildra's response as darkness slowly attacked. The swirling thoughts in her mind flew away. Her mind was instead run by sweet dreams.

Dear Readers,

I'm so excited that I finally got to introduce this main character! He is my most favorite character in this book! I hope you guys enjoy him too!

Please read, vote, and comment!


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