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Olivia got Lola settled upstairs in her room after giving her a list of things she needed to stop doing in order for this baby to be healthy. Lola cried it out snuggled up to her sister and when she was out of tears, Olivia tucked her in and made her way home. Dominick was in the front yard, under the hot July sun, mowing the lawn and Olivia knew her mom was still inside with Sawyer.

"Hey babe, " Dominick spoke, cutting the lawn mower engine and moving to his wife.

"Hi, " she sighed looking at her husband.

Dominick saw the exhaustion covering his wife's face. Her cheeks we're still tear-stained from wherever she had gone. It had been about an hour since she left the house and Dom knew something was eating away at his wife.

"You're stressed, Olivia, " he spoke gently placing his hands to her hips.

"I know."

"Remember, what Doctor Smith said: we have better chances of having another baby if you bring your stress levels down, " Dominick smiled kissing his wife's temple.

"Dom, " she sighed knowing it would break his heart, "I really need to talk to you after my parents leave for the night, okay, and once Sawyer goes to bed."

Dom watched his wife's big brown eyes fill with tears, "of course, baby, why don't you head inside and get something to drink before you get dehydrated and spend some time with your parents and we can talk later, okay?"

"Yeah. I love you, " she spoke with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"I love you too, beautiful, now go, " he playful slap her ass and her smile widened at her husband's antics.


The hot July day turned into a warm July night and Olivia's parents had just headed out. Sawyer was pulling himself up on the coffee table and Olivia was watching from the couch.

"Good job, Champ, " Dominick spoke moving to sit beside his wife.

"Dadadadada, " the little guy babbled.

Olivia let out a small laugh and her little man turned his head, "mama!" He squealed.

Both parents laughed as Dominick pick his son up and Sawyer squealed. The little guy stood on Dominick's lap holding onto his head as he babbled happily to his parents. They sat with their little guy for a while before he let out a big noisy yawn.

"Bathtime, " Olivia spoke taking Sawyer as she stood, "would daddy like to join us?"

"I'd love to."

The small family headed upstairs to the bathroom giving the amazing little boy all of their attention. Olivia and Dominick both soaked up the time with Sawyer as he babbled their names and the few other words he knew. It was like they were mind readers always knowing the next move they would make. Olivia got Sawyer dressed for bed. Dominick and Olivia hadn't completely taken Sawyer off of milk because he wasn't yet able to get all of his nutrients from solid foods.

Olivia got comfy in the glider they had in Sawyer's new room and got him to latch. Dominick made his way back into the room after digging a book from a box in the house. Olivia watched her husband get comfy on the floor in front of her and his deep voice started to lull both her and Sawyer to sleep. Dominick watched as both loves of his life drifted to sleep.

"Olivia, " Dominick hummed gently after burping Sawyer and laying him in his crib.

"Mmm, " she groaned.

"Let go to bed, baby."

When his wife didn't move he gently picked her up and carried her down the hall to their room. Olivia felt her heart swell as he laid her in bed and let her rest. The shower in their bathroom started and Olivia knew she had been sweaty and today had been long, so with a lot of inner convincing she got up and made her way to the shower.

"Going to join me?" Dominick asked opening the door to the walk-in.

"Yeah, " Olivia sighed slipping out of her garments and into the shower.

They stood in silence for a few minutes before Dominick wrapped his arms around his wife, "what happened today?"

"Dominick, " Olivia turned around to face her husband, "I think we need to stop trying for a baby right now, my family life is about to hit the fan and it's going to be extremely stressful and I just can't bring a life into this right now, " Olivia whimpered and Dominick wrapped her in a tight hug.

"What's going on, baby?" Dominick asked gently as he stepped back for Olivia's shampoo.

"Lola's pregnant. She doesn't know who the father is, she hasn't told my parents yet, she's scared to death, and I'm the one she came to so don't say anything to anyone."

"My lips are sealed, but what is she going to do?"

"I don't know. I think she wants to have the baby, but give it up for adoption at birth, but that may all change, " Olivia sighed as she rinsed the soap.

"We'll all get through this and I understand the decision to stop trying for now. It makes perfect sense, and although it stings a bit, I'll get over it."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


A few nights later Olivia was at work when her office phone began to ring off the hook. She stepped into the tiny room and answered.

"Olivia Carisi speaking."

"Olivia, " her brother's voice traveled through the line, "it's Robbie, mom just called and said: Lola tried to slit her wrists tonight. Where are you?"

Olivia's chest tightened, "I'm at work, um, I, " she began to stumble.

"Olivia breathe. I'm on my way to be with mom and dad, I'll keep you posted on the happenings, love you kid."

"I love you too, " Olivia took a deep breath and slumped into her office chair.

"Do you need to go?" Melinda asked from Olivia's office door.

"No, " Olivia whimpered.

"Go, hun, I can cover here. It's a quiet night, go."

"Thanks, " Olivia hugged her co-worker and newest friend before dialing Robbie's number to find out where they were with Lola.

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