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Maureen Nicole Stabler definitely wasn't a disappointment to anyone in the large friend group of Elliot and Kathy's. The little girl already had so many aunts and uncles to protect her and a pair of Godparents who'd always have her back. She'd been home for about two weeks and she was finally going to be meeting her Godfather, and although she didn't know it, he was excited to meet her. Dominick and Olivia made their way to Kathy and Elliot's to see little Maureen, and to give the new tired parents a little break.

Olivia smiled as Elliot opened the door with the baby in his arms, "Hello pumpkin, " Olivia cooed taking the bright-eyed girl into her arms before walking through the door.

"Hi, " Elliot sighed looking over at Dominick.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Good, so far, the child has not been dropped, no one's dead, and I still have my balls, so everything's going pretty damn good."

"That's a plus, " Sonny chuckled keeping a close eye on his fiancée.

"Hey, don't worry about her, " Elliot spoke pushing Dominick towards the kitchen, "she's a natural with babies, but I need your help."

"Yeah, what's up?" Dominick questioned following Elliot down the hall.

"I need your help moving a few things in the nursery, Kathy wants the crib against this wall because it's further from the door."

"Yeah sure, " Dominick spoke helping Elliot shift the room around.

While the guys moved around little miss Maureen's room, Olivia and Kathy were able to gawk over the precious little bundle that had fallen asleep in Olivia's arms

"Is she a good baby?" Olivia asked tracing one of Maureen's chubby cheeks.

"She's perfect and rather easy, " Kathy spoke her eyes focused on her daughter, "it's an adjustment going from two to three in the house, don't get me wrong, and getting up every two or so hours for feeding and changes is exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

"How's Elliot adjusting?"

"I'm adjusting well, " Elliot spoke entering the room with Dominick on his heels, "I can stare at her for hours and not get bored. She's amazing, " Elliot spoke.

Dominick sunk down behind Olivia on the couch one arm resting on the back of the couch and his other moving to gently cradle Maureen's head. Olivia turned towards Dominick and sunk into his arms so they could see each other and the baby.

"She's cute, huh?" Olivia questioned tracing Maureen's cheek again.

"Beautiful, " Dominick whispered watching Olivia's eyes sparkle.

They sat in silence gawking over their goddaughter. Not only was Dominick watching Maureen, but he was watching Olivia. It was like a switch had flipped and all of a sudden she had these insanely intuitive maternal instincts. Olivia could feel Dominick gently rubbing her arm as they sat holding Maureen. She had allowed her head to rest on Dominick's chest as they both fell in love with Kathy and Elliot's little girl.


Dominick and Olivia quickly fell in love with Maureen Nicole, and Dominick quickly nicknamed his goddaughter peanut because in his large frame she was itty bitty. Eventually, Dominick and Olivia decided it was time to head home, but Dom just couldn't shake the image of his fiancée in a completely maternal mode, she was a natural. They had spent the afternoon with the newest addition and Dominick couldn't help but ask the inevitable.

"Hey, how long do you want to wait before we start trying for a baby?"

"What?" Olivia questioned giggling nervously.

A Protector's Love [Benson and Carisi]Where stories live. Discover now