❤Fangirl Mania 2 ❤

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❤ Fangirl Mania 2 ❤

        Welcome minna! This is the last issue of fangirl mania for 2014! Man.. I can’t believe how amazing everyone has been for this magazine as well as the others. I’m not sure who decided to create this but a big shoutout to them, ne? And, a big shoutout to emeralddrop who’s been taking care of everything in place of original admin-san. ^-^

        Before we get started, I just wanna say that this has been a wonderful experience for me this year. Can you believe this started in February?? .___. I barely can. It feels like it just started >.< I can proudly say though, that I’ve been lucky to be with the original crew from the very start ^_^ My jobs may have changed but, I’m always here. It’s sad we’ve lost a lot of good members but, life pulls you into the real world sometimes./: At least they continue to support the Otaku_Magazine though, huh?<3

        Thank you minna. I know that not only I but, also the rest of the team thank you all greatly for being such great and active participants! It’s what helps make this magazine thrive!<3

        Now, on to the squealing of fangirlness ne? :D *>There are a few winter/christmas related ones in honor of the last F.M this month.<*


1. Naruto!<3

Naruto will always be in our hearts.<3 * excluding those who didn’t care for it ^^” *


        Now, on with the somewhat spoilers. In case you haven’t heard about the movie yet, Kishi-sama has decided to make it a romance movie. He’s stated that he’s always wanted to and decided now is the time to do it. The biggest couple being advertised for the movie is NaruHina (Naruto x Hinata). Well, ever since she was a child, she’s wanted to give Naruto a gift. A red scarf that she made specially for him. Guess what time of the year she’s wanting to give the scarf to him..


        I’m not sure what their festival is called but, in my point of view from what I’ve seen & heard it’s a christmas festival where the girls give the boy they like a present within the first two weeks and in the last week, the boy gives a gift to the girl he likes.<3 >I may be slightly off<

        If that’s not romantic, I dunno what is. I think it’s incredibly adorable! Not only their festival; even though I think it’s be better if all the gifts are given around the same time. Not one gender at one time then the rest .-. but meh, it’s still cute ^-^ The other cute thing though, is the NaruHina-ish “moment”. I think it’s wonderful how Hinata made something herself for Naruto. It’s cute how she wants it to be as special as possible..

        What’s better than something made by the one you care for? Romantic feelings or not.<3


2. Kuroko no Basuke~

        Now, this is about the winter cup.. So if you haven’t gotten that far.. SPOILERS!

        This is much of a Fangirl Mania, I’m sorry .-. But ohmergerd.. If you’ve seen the winter cup rounds.. Or some at least..<3333

{Seirin vs Too}

        Kagami vs Aomine.. That game was incredible! I honestly had a feeling the outcome would be what it was but, I had some doubts too. It was just incredible and the end of the game.. Where all Kuroko wanted was for Aomine to return the fistbump.. How could you ‘AWW’ and squeal at that?? It was too cute<3

       {Seirin vs Yosen}

        Then, with Kagami vs Murasakibara.. Honestly I didn’t like the match until things really got heated. That was when it was truly amazing. Especially since it was kinda slow in the beginning.. .-.

        But, the most fangirl worthy moment in that match? I declare it to be when Murasakibara puts his hair up. Like.. Kya!<3 >///< Don’t sit there and lie to me, saying you didn’t find it at least a little bit attractive.<33 Gah~ Much attractiveness<3 :3


        Gomen for this article being somewhat sucky and rushed. I’m honestly not sure of what to write since I’ve been having trouble with every aspect of my life until just a couple days ago; things are finally getting better for the time being.

        So, I hope you enjoyed none-the-less~

Ja ne!


Otaku Magazine ISSUE #10 December 2014Where stories live. Discover now