☕ Interview with - ThePervySage ☕

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☕ Interview with - ThePervySage ☕

Anya: HiHi! I'm Anya, an interviewer for the @Otaku_Magazine! I was wondering if you would like to be interviewed for this month's issue?

Katsu (@ThePervySage): I would love to!

Anya: Okay, so, first question!

How did you find out about Anime?

Katsu: My big sister. She showed me an anime called 'Ponyo' when I was 7. I absolutely loved it. And then she showed me more Studio Ghibli films and I never really got further than that... and then she showed me Naruto and I think I died and went to heaven when I saw how amazing it was >.< It will forever be my all time favourite!

Anya: How did you discover anime fanfiction?

Katsu: Hmm, well, I had wattpad before I started really getting into anime, and when I was really into it, I forgot about wattpad, then I remembered it and typed up Naruto Fanfics in the search bar and found heaps, so I decided to create one.

Anya: Alright! Any particular authors who inspired you to begin writing?

Katsu: To be honest, not really... I wasn't into reading as much as I am now… :/

Anya: Do you remember the first anime Fanfiction you read?

Katsu: Hm... lemme think... nope. I don't. If I had to say the oldest one I remember reading, then it's High School Days by Avyriss :) It was a SasuNaru yaoi story >:)

Anya: Okay! I'm a big fan of your SasuNaru ItaKyuu Yaoi book, 'Never Too Late'! What inspired you to write it?

Katsu: Well, I had never written a modern day Naruto fanfic, so I guess I was inspired by the idea of writing a modern day one, and I decided that maybe I'll let people see my funny side using that book. So I put heaps of jokes in it and such, and it turns out people actually really like it :)

Anya: If you could be in the Naruto World, what village would you want to be in and why?

Katsu: Hmm that's a hard one... Pobably Sunagakure or Kirigakure :| The sand probably because Kankuro, Gaara, and Temari all live there, and they're three of my favourites and Kirigakure because it's cold (I love the cold) and I would become one of the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist (with Samehada of course) ;)

Anya: And who would your love interest be? //Wink Wink\\

Katsu: If it's out of all Naruto characters, most definitely Shikamaru or Kakashi <3 Definitely one of those two >w<

Anya: Hai! What team would you choose to be in? And what would be your preferred rank?

Katsu: I would be in the Anbu with Kakashi and Yamato >:) or Shikamaru if he had joined T^T

Anya: Yeap! Okay, next question! If you had a chance to fight in the 4th Great Shinobi War, which division is your preferred choice?

Katsu: I'd be in the 3rd Division under Kakashi >:3

Anya: I sense the romance <3 ;3 Alrighty then! If you could travel back in time to the first Hokage's time, who would you marry? I'd personally say Tobirama Senju because he's hot~

Katsu: I call dibs on Tobirama -- WAIT WAIT -- Aghhhh so hard to choose... Madara or Tobirama for sure! I'll go with Madara because he is just-- brilliant >w< Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Tobirama, but I love Madara too... probably more <3 >:3

Katsu: P.S. I uncall dibs on Tobirama, you can have him if you'd like ;)

Anya: Mineee <3 Okay, if you were in the Naruto World, what clan would you be from?

Katsu: Hmm, probably the Kaguya one (only if I got to have Shikotsumyaku -Kimimaro's Kekkei Genkai) and if not that one, either the Uzumaki or Hyuga :P

Anya: That's really interesting! Which anime villain do you dislike the most and why?

Katsu: Damn that's really hard, considering my favourite characters are always villains XD Hm, there is one villain that is just... creepy. Like seriously, he's cool and all I guess, but overall, he seriously creeps me out. It's Caster from Fate/Zero ... He goes around with his master killing people and doing rituals with their blood... and he killed a bunch of kids. And tried to kill the woman he was obsessed with. But she beat him hands-down. Pretty much, he's just one creepy, psychotic killer who's magical and anyone should avoid unless they're trying to kill him.. (if he were real)

Anya: Alright! Last question, if there was anything you want to prevent happening in the Naruto world, what would it be?

Katsu: Death. Lord Kishi killed so many of my top 20 characters T^T and when he killed Kakashi in the Pein Arc, I flooded my home with tears... but then he was brought back and I was jumping around like a freak >.< And then when Neji and Asuma and Jiraiya died, I think I flooded my whole suburb >w<  P.S. in case you haven't noticed by now, I get VERY emotional over characters. Like seriously I was getting all depressed and sad and just went in to a corner of the room when I heard that Sasuke didn't bring back Neji T^T

Anya: I knowww ;-; Arigato for letting me interview you and Merry Christmas!

Otaku Magazine ISSUE #10 December 2014Where stories live. Discover now