✌Finally Fessing Up✌

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✌Finally Fessing Up✌

        It's holiday season! And all around the world, that means huge breaks from school (excited for that), and for otakus, it means more chances to cause anime related slip-ups. So, from the crew to you, here are all of our anime mess-ups that we 'fessed up!

@writer168: My friend and I were at a party and we were discussing some pairings in KnB. We have completely different views with who goes with who, and our argument escalated so quickly that we basically started screaming at each other. An old woman at the table in front of us looked over her shoulder, gave us a disgusting sneer, and turned back around. My and my friend didn't realize how loud we got and were immediately embarrassed. Our faces turned bright red and she started punching me in the shoulder. Repeatedly.

        She totally started it, though.

@Izunee: This one time, I decided to wear a Madoka T-shirt to walk around London. I assumed that nobody would know what it was about and that people would probably just think it was a cool T-shirt. As I was leaving the hotel, an Asian family got in the lift. I immediately tried to cover up my T-Shirt, but it was too late. Three weird looks and one whisper of 'otaku' later, I set out red-faced on to the streets of London.

        Unsurprisingly, when I went to Japan this November, that T-shirt did NOT go with me!

@snowdragon257: So this isn't really an embarrassing story, but it did make my heart go “doki doki.”

        Around to years ago, my homeroom class was doing a secret Santa gift exchange. We had two weeks to get out person a gift. I had gotten this guy who’s favorite animal was a pig, so I got him an Angry Bird’s pig stuffed animal… but this is besides the point.

        All of my friends had been trying to guess who got me, even though I wanted it to be a surprise. So on the day that everyone was exchanging their gifts, imagine my surprise when my crush hands me a gift. I almost died on the spot. He had gotten me a basketball hoop for my door, which I loved, and he asked me if I liked it. I stammered out the stupidest reply. All I said was “Y-yeah! Thanks.” I could have said something so much better and cuter, but I’m an idiot when it comes to romance.

        ...He hasn't talked to me since. XP

@IrishSeptember: Something for Finally Fessing Up hm?

        What would I, IrishSeptember like to fess up for the final issue of the Otaku_Magazine for 2014?

        How about the fact I took advantage of the hours my mom worked? Several years ago my mom traveled an hour to go to work so obviously she had to leave extra early right? Well, when she was put on third shift, she’d work like 10pm-10am. So she’s leave around 8 or 9 to make the hour drive right? Right. Well.. Every time she left, my best friend and I would wait about 20 minutes then leave to go hang out with our other friends. Now, where the winter/christmas part comes in..

        I have to say, even though me and all of the people I’m about to talk aren’t friends anymore (except for my best friend), this is still one of my favorite memories.

        What we did was meet up at the pizza place, one of them owned (well parents) and usually we sat there and hung out. Well my best friend decided to suggest the most ridiculous idea ever. Hide-and-Seek.

        Not in the pizza place, no. Outside, use the town but with restrictions. ^-^ It was so fun! I loved it even though I froze. I mean think about it. It’s like a 3 days before Christmas, about 9:30 at night and there’s tons of snow everywhere. S**t was cold brah. .-.

Otaku Magazine ISSUE #10 December 2014Where stories live. Discover now