ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏsɪx - ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴄᴜᴛᴇ

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"so what are you gonna do?" kendra asks me as she passes me the pizza box.

i just finished filling her and naomi in on everything thats haopened between me and anthony.

"apologize" i say, opening the box and grabbing a slice "i mega played with his feelings"

"he better apologize as well" naomi takes a slice "he kept walking away from you, and he was damn hypocritical"

"hypocritical?" i ask

"well" she starts "when you guys were arguing about josh, apparently he said that 'he couldn't do anything if the girl he liked kissed someone else', correct?"

i nod.

"but he went all moody and wouldn't talk to you"

"yeah, but he didn't actually take action on it. it's not as if he came over and pulled me away from jaden" i sigh.

"fair enough"

"and what exactly are you gonna do about jaden?" kendra asks "cause he clearly likes you"

ugh, i didn't even think about that.

"to be honest, i've been so focused on anthony that i didn't really think about jaden possibly liking me"

"he's cute" naomi smiles "let him know soon, before giving him false hope"

there's still a trace of hurt in her face, but she keeps smiling.



i wake up smooshed between two people. on my left is naomi, who's spread out like a starfish taking up most of the bed. to my right is kendra, who's curled up and facing me, her face squished.
a smile crosses my face.

i sit up and crawl off the bottom of the bed, moving slowly so i don't wake the beasts.

the door opens and madi slides in.

"heya" i whisper, pulling clothes out my suitcase.

"hi" she closes the door quietly "how long have you been up?"

"like, two minutes" i smile "what's up?"

"nothing, just thought i'd come and visit my favourite pisces" she pats me on the head.

i giggle "do you know where ant is?"

"ahhh, that i do" she nods wisely "he's staying in paytons room"

"coolio" i say, pulling out a shirt "do you know if paytons still in there?"

madi shoots me a strange look "uhhh, no?" she scratches her head "jackson isn't, i know that, but payton usually sleeps for a while so i wouldn't be surprised if he was in there"

i pout "is there anyway you could get him out of there?"

"i don't know, he's a pretty deep sleeper..."

"please?" i give her big puppy eyes.

"uggghhh, fine" she raises her eyebrows.


madi monroe 🤩❤

he's out

how did you do it

free chic fil a
he's like the cows in minecraft with wheat

if you give two of them chic fil a they make a baby?

hopefully not

i laugh and put my phone in my back pocket before leaving, heading to payton's hotel room.

i open the door slowly and peak my head in.


i go in and close the door behind me. there's no one in the room from what i can see.

i walk over to the beds, and there's a phone sitting on one of them. i check the lockscreen.

my heart sinks.
it's the photo of me and anthony with our face masks on.


i turn around to see anthony standing outside the bathroom door. his hair's wet and he's only wearing a towel around his waist.

"hi, uhm-"

"why are you on my phone?" he asks.

"errr, just checking that it was yours" i put it down awkwardly "so i'd know if you were in the room or not"

"right" he replies "what are you doing here?"

"listen, i'm so sorry. i'm literally so dumb for not realizing you liked me, or that you were maybe jealous of me and jaden, or that i was practically leading you on-"

"leading me on? so you never liked me?"

"no, i did. well, do like you. like a lot. but i was such a dumbass and didn't even realize it. and i was literally a bitch to you, like, horrible for no reason and you were just confused. and i'm sorry, for everything"

he pauses for a minute.

"and jaden?"

"i don't like him. not in that way, anyways. i should really see him soon to tell him that" i say and look down.

anthony sighs "look, i should apologize too-"

"anthony, there's no reason-"

"tayla," he walks over to me and looks me in the eye "listen to me. i should've told you how i felt. i shouldn't have kept walking away from you, and i definitely shouldn't have said that thing about josh and kendra when you were clearly still upset. i'm sorry"

i smile and wraps my arms over his shoulders, and he wraps his around my waist. he plants a kiss on my head as i tighten my grip.

"you're adorable" anthony says, looking down at me.

i look up at him and he's smiling all cute. i push myself up on my tippy-toes towards his face and give him a quick pack on the lips.

"you too"


one of a kind [anthony reeves]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ