ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ - sᴛᴏᴍᴀᴄʜ ᴄʀᴀᴍᴘs

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i wake up to horrible stomach cramps.

fuck off.

i rolled over onto the cold side of the bed and clutched my stomach. the pain wouldn't go away, so i went to the bathroom. it was still the early hours of the morning, maybe 3am, and it was very dark in the room. on my way to the bathroom i walked into the corner of anthony's bed.
i stopped where i was, hoping he wouldn't wake up.

"tayla?" he asks, his voice sleepy.

i close my eyes and scrunch my face up, mad that i woke him up.

"tayla?" he repeats, this time his voice more clear.

"she's not here right now" i say as i continue creeping towards the bathroom.

anthony laughs quietly and sits up slightly, so his head is leaning against the headboard "what's wrong?"

"i just need the bathroom" i say as i finally reach the bathroom door and open it.

"then why are you clutching your stomach like your organs are gonna fall out?"

i turn around to look at him. the light from the bathroom is shining on him, so i can actually see his face now. he's smiling, but only slightly.

"i just have period cramps, that's all" i reply, shutting the door.

it's not cramps, i know it's not. i've never, ever had period cramps this bad.
i sit down on the toilet, still holding my stomach. i slowly rock back and forth, waiting for the pain to go away. after a minute or so it does, and i sit back up normally.
i stand up, ready to leave and go back to bed, before the cramps return even worse. i feel a sharp pain take over my stomach.

"OW!" i whine, collapsing back down onto the floor.

"tayla?" i hear anthony shout through from the room.

i don't reply, i'm too focused in the pain. i hear him get out of his bed and walk over to the door.

"tayla, are you okay?" he asks again, sounding as though he's pressed up against the door "right, i"m coming in"

the door opens and anthony comes in. he kneels down next to me on the floor, placing a hand on my back.

"what's wrong?" he asks concerningly.

"my stomach" i start "really painful"

"right, i'm gonna take you back through to the room, okay?" he asks. i look up at him and nod.

he picks me up and takes me over to his bed and lays me down.

"are your cramps usually this bad?" he asks. he's sitting next to me his hand is placed gently on my arm.

"no, it's definitely not cramps" i say.

"have you got any painkillers you can take?"

"i have ibuprofen in my backpack" i gesture over to where my things are sitting.

he immediately goes and gets the packet and gives me a cup of water.


after about ten minutes, the cramps are gone and i'm sitting up fully in ant's bed.

"i feel fine now, thanks ant" i smile weakly at him.

"it's all good" he places his hand on my shoulder and rubs it slowly "right, i guess we can go back to sleep now"

he stands up and goes over to my bed.

"where are you going?" i ask, laughing.

"well, i didn't think you'd want to leave my bed cause you're too comfy" he smiles "so i'll just sleep in yours"

"but the beds are double" i say

"yeahhhh" he laughs "what about it"

"just because i'm sleeping in your bed doesnt mean you can't sleep in it too"

i pause in my tracks and realise what i just said.

"sorry, that sounded weird-"

you think i would've stopped there. but no.

i made it worse.

"-considering what happened earlier"

i stopped speaking immediately. the room atmosphere changed.


anthonys cheeks turned pink, mine probably did too.

"sorry, i don't know why i said that, that was stupid."

"no" he says "no it's fine. if it's that big of a deal for you, i'll sleep in my bed"

i nod (barely) and lay down, thinking non-stop about the stupid thing i just brought up. anthony turns off the light before coming round the other side and climbing in.

"night ant" i say quietly.

"night angel"


authors note:
hey guys! i hope everyone had a really good christmas and if you don't celebrate it, i hope you had a good day anyways!
i've been missing in action for a HOT MINUTE trust me i know, but this story is somehow at 7k+ reads? wtf? thanks everyone for reading and voting.
i'll try to write more whilst i'm still on holiday from school but i'm having BOY PROBLEMS OF MY OWN AND I HATE IT. anyways love you all, xoxo.

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