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kendra turns into the school slowly, stuck in traffic of teenage drivers and teachers.

"reason number three-hundred and eighty-nine on why school is irritating" kendra declared "I swear to god if we're late from this bullshit I'm going to piss out of my eyes"
"jesus, calm it janet" I laughed "but I would love to see that"
"oh, shut it"

kendra eventually got to a parking space and we jumped out the car.

"and that's why I'm never eating celery again" kendra finished "can't take the risk"
"fair point" I agreed.
"ayyyy, there's foamy getting dropped off in her dads new range rover" kendra pointed over at the drop off area.

me and kendra both saw naomi like three days ago, but reuniting back at school is a whole different thing.
naomi stepped out of her car, shut the door and said something to her dad through the rolled down window, and then he drove away. naomi spotted us as soon as the car left and sped-walked over.

"hey foamy" I teased. me and kendra always called naomi that because its the only thing that remotely rhymes with her name.
"i. don't. want. to. be. here." naomi blurted, saying each word in synch with her slumped steps.
"try having world history and world religions on the same day" I mumbled.
"try having chemistry first thing on a monday" naomi replied
"I'm literally in your class" I chuckled
"we're all in that class" kendra chimed in "are you that oblivious, foamy?"
"who even knows any more" naomi sulks.

[for perspective here's what naomi was wearing]

[for perspective here's what naomi was wearing]

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[and what kendras wearing]

we walk into the front doors

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we walk into the front doors. the halls are crowded with people, juniors practically falling asleep at their lockers, and freshman girls running up to their friends and giving them hugs as though they hadn't seen each other for a decade.

"how the hell do they have so much energy?" I ask
"they probably got over seven hours of sleep" kendra answered
"true facts" i said, nodding slowly.
"well, not to flex but i got a whole 5 hours of sleep last night" naomi added
"not to flex but i can't eat celery anymore" kendra giggled
"not to flex but i've been to saturn" i remarked
"not to flex but my parents aren't together anymore" naomi said, laughing "it's been a whole five moths of not dealing with my devil mom"
"well good for you, I heard my parents last night" kendra groaned
"like heard-heard?"
"heard-heard" kendra confirmed
"that's the worst" I assented.
"can't relate" naomi exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

the school day was just the usual. chemistry felt like it dragged on for a century, my stomach rumbled in world history when it was quiet, and I nearly fell asleep in calculus.

i was walking out of calculus at the end of the day with kendra.
"so are you staying over at mine tonight?" she asked
"probably, is foamy coming?"
"of course, whenever your staying she's staying" kendra answered.

we just had our regular crackhead conversations walking to the parking lot and on the car journey home.

"helloooo?" i said as i walked through my front door. no reply.

I walked up the stairs and dumped my school bag next to the door. I gathered my clothes for the next day, a pair of pyjamas, my charger, a few other things and put them in a bag. I picked up my school bag as well as I'd need it the next day, and went downstairs.
I grabbed a post-it note and wrote that i was going to kendra's to stay overnight, and left it on the fridge door.

[time skip]

"ughhhhhh" naomi groaned
"what the fuck is wrong now" kendra said, irritated
"isn't he just the cutest?" naomi asked, turning her phone to show a tiktok of a guy with light brown hair and bluey-green eyes.
"he's not the cutest, but he's still mega cute" I laughed "who is he?"
"remind me why you still don't have tiktok?" kendra asked, tapping her peach acrylics on her phone sceen "you watch them on our phones all the time"
I shrugged
"his names josh richards" naomi gushed "basically like, my dream guy"

I pulled my phone out and opened the appstore to download tiktok.

"how old is he?" kendra questioned
"sixteen" naomi answered "seventeen in a few weeks"
"not a bad age difference then"

it finished downloading, I opened it and made a profile.


"oh my god!" naomi squealed
"what?" i said, concerned
"it's not actually that exciting. I was just gonna say we should make tiktoks and upload them"
"foamy. it's nearly 1am, and frankly i don't want to pass out in mr turners class tomorrow"
"ken come on, it'll be fun" I chimed in.

so we filmed a few tiktoks on each phone. I only uploaded one on mine, and it was to the song 'pretty boy swag' and we dressed up as a meme.

"night you hoebags" I said.

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