ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ ~ ᴀɴᴛʏᴡᴀɴᴛʏ

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the plane bumped down on the runway, and my waterbottle fell and rolled down underneath the seats.

"well that's gone" i say as i turn to kendra. i look out the window at the bright blue, sunny sky of florida. the plane begins to slow down and i look at kendra, who has her eyes closed and her hair in a messy bun. i turn to naomi who's touching her tv screen, looking very concentrated.

"wow, you guys are fun to talk to" i laugh

"well, i'm nervous" naomi replies, taking her headphones off and turning to me "look at my hand" she lifted her hand up and she was very shaky

"jesus foamy" kendra started, opening her eyes "you need to calm down"

"i know" naomi let her hands fall in her lap "but it's crazy to think that right now we're in the same state"

she has a fair point. anthony isn't meant to land for another hour, but when he does, how am i gonna cope knowing that this cute ass guy that's i've been talking to for nearly TWO months, is now in the same state as me?
i have no idea.

we make our way through the airport, and update our social medias to let everyone know that we've arrived in orlando.

antywanty 💞

hey bubs
ik ur still on the plane right now but ive landed, text me as soon as u can <3

i smile and put my phone back in my pocket. the first people we're meant to be meeting are madi, chase and sam outside the front of the airport.

i knudge kendra with my left elbow "so sam huh" i raise my eyebrows and smirk

"what about him" kendra begins to laugh

"it's so obvious" naomi starts "you're even getting all giggly at the mention of his name"

"no, i'm just laughing because you guys 'ship' me with him" she created quotation marks with her fingers at the word ship "we're just friends"

"who was your caption about then?" i asked as we were getting closer to the airport doors

"yeah, only we know" naomi chimed in

"it was just a caption that i found online and thought it sounded cute"

"mhmmm" naomi says

we step outside the doors of the airport, and when i say my heart is racing, i mean RACING.
i search around and quickly see two very tall boys; one with black, short hair and the other with longish, wavy brunette hair. they're standing with a very pretty girl, who's blonde. she looks between the two boys shoulders and a big smile covers her face as she spots us.

"OH MY GOD!" she screams as she pushes her way through the boys and runs towards us. the two boys turn around quickly and smile, slowly walking and jogging over.

madi practically jumps at me, knocking us both to the ground, and wraps her arm around me. she hugs me tight and we both start laughing, knowing that people are watching us, and naomi was filming us meeting.

"hi!" i smile widely as me and madi get back on our feet

"i'm so happy that we finally met, oh my god" madi says happily

one of a kind [anthony reeves]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora