Runaway Witch

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At A Grocery Store.

Zak was checking out, with Roman following him like a lost puppy.

"Well, since you followed me here, can you at least get the bags." Zak gave a fake smile. Roman grabbed the bags and walked to the car with Zak.

"Does this mean, I get a chance with you." Roman asked.

"Roman, I just got married." Zak sighed and opened the trunk of his car.

"Of course, but to a guy that care more about magic community thab he does you." Roman said.

They saw a boy running as if his life depended on it to an alley. They looked at the alley seconds later and saw fire blasting. Zak and Roman closed the trunk and ran to see what was happening. The boy was trying to fight off two demons.

Zak shot a green energyball at the lady and Roman dropkicked the man. The two teleported away.

"Who are they and why were they trying to kill you." Zak asked.

"My parents." The boys frowned.

¥Opening Credits¥

At Heath's House.

Max was fixing something to eat for Kelvin. Thomas was doing some paperwork, Kion and Kelly were watching a movie, Allen and Pete were arguing over the movie. Heath was gone to the recording studio.

Zak and Roman ran in with the boy.

"Cute kid. Yours?" Pete joked as he and Allen walked over to them.

"No, his parents were trying to kill him." Roman said in a manner as if the parents would attack any minute now.

"Well lets get back to the manor before they come." Allen said.

"Are you guys alright here by yourself?" Zak asked Thomas, Kion, Kelly, and Max. They all said 'yes' in return. Allen then teleported Pete, Zak, Roman, thr kid, and himself to the manor.

They were now in the living room.

"Cool!" The kid looked around excited. "So can all of you do that."

"No, but we have other tricks." Zak smiled, he was becoming attached to the boy.

"But before we show you them, you have to tell us your name, age, and what you are." Pete added with a motherly smile.

"And why were your parents trying to kill you." Roman added.

"I'm Timothy, I am 13, I'm a witch and demon hybrid." Timothy answered truthfully. "That was my mom and her husband trying to kill me. He's my step dad and basically he convinced her if they turn me in to the Source, that they will have a great life, with a variety of powers."

"Ok, well now that the hard parts over. What's your power." Zak asked.

"I have White fire, and Dark element manipulation." Timothy said.

"Well, come on outside and lets practice. You may have to use them on your parents." Roman said, as they all walked towards the backyard.

"But I don't want to kill them." Timothy said lowly.

"No one does." Roman hinted at his past a little bit.


The backyard was huge, and it had different sections of training methods, that Kion and the vampire assassins set up.

"Ok, anyone wants to demonstrate for him." Roman asked.

"I'll go." Zak said, and smiled at Timothy. Zak ran to the obstacles course and a energy was shot, with thr speed of lightning, at Zak. Zak ducked it and shot energy at the shooter, which stunned it for the rest of the obstacles. Two robots came towards Zak and swung at him. Zak did a backflip and levitated up. He then kicked the robots in the head, and the blow knocked them out.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now