Gods of Our Lives

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The Manor's Living Room

Heath and Pete were watching a soap opera on tv. Zak had tooken the kids out for a walk and Bruce and Allen went to a Chargers game.

"Oh yeah right, he told the last girl he loved and she heard it." Pete growled at the tv.

"If only this was real." Heath laughed.

A demon who was invisible heard this and snapped his fingers.

"What was that?" Heath looked around

"I don't know but I feel weird." Pete stood up.

*Ding Dong*

Heath went to open the door.

"Hey, Tremaine." Heath blushed.

"Hello, beautiful." Tremaine gave Heath some white roses.

"My favorite." Heath smiled and hugged the roses.

"I want to take you out tonight." Tremaine smiled.

"Ok, do you want to come in." Heath asked.

"No, I have to get... actually can I use your bathroom." Tremaine smiled.

"Yeah, right this way." Heath instructed.


Heath showed Tremaine the bathroom and went back downstairs with Pete. Once Heath walkes away Tremaine came out the bathroom and went to the attic. Tremaine lookes around then spotted the book of Shadows on the stand. He tried to touch it but the book used its magic and threw itself away from him. Tremaine shifted into the big white and green demon that was in the book of Shadows.

Tremaine heard Pete and Heath coming into the attic so he shimmered away.

"Pete all I am saying is we should just get a technique were we are capable of handling demons using our powers." Heath suggested.

"I know but..." Pete was saying but stopped. "Someone was in here."

Tezor, which is Tremaine's dark form appeared.

"Pete blast him." Heath rushed in panic. Pete tried to blast him but he shimmered away.

"Heath?" Tremaine called in the hallway, Pete and Heath dashed towards Tremaine so he wouldn't go into the attic.

" Yes, baby?" Heath smiled in panic.

"I will see you tonight, k?" Tremaine asked and Heath nodded. Tremaine kissed Heath and waved goodbye then left.

"That was close." Pete sighed.

"I know, ok so we need to figure out what happened downstairs because I am positive its something demonic." Heath said.

"Ok, but like what?" Pete asked.

Zak stormed into the house with the boys and all three of them were in tears.

"ZAK? What is it?" Pete rushed. Zak handed the kids, who were terrified, to Pete and then ran back outside, Pete looked at Heath and then ran after Zak.

At The Park.

Pete saw a Bruce who was laid on a stretcher and his body covered in blood. Pete looked over at a 18 wheeler that was the cause of the accident. Pete gasped at the label on the truck Allen's Mechanics.

"Oh God." Pete said. The ambulance was taking Bruce to the hopsital.

"I'll go with him and you go home." Pete said.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)(boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora