Sleeping With The Enemy

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Tremaine was hiding from a bounty hunter, and the Charmed Ones. But currently the bounty hunter was after him and he was still weak from when he was jabbed in his side by the athame. Tremaine grabbed someone's coat and pretended he was leaving a funeral.

The bounty hunter came a little late and missed Tremaine but he did smell his blood in the air.

At The Manor.

Heath's room.

Heath was tossing and turning in his sleep. Heath then jumped awake with a hot sweat. He was exhausted looking and a mess. Him and his cousins were still worried about Trizusor on the loose.

Living Room of the manor.

Zak was drinking coffee while making a plan to go after Trizusor. Pete walked down the stairs with a yawn.

"Why are you up so early?" Pete asked.

"I'm trying to find Trizusor so we can finish him off." Zak said while picking up the Crystal necklace to scry.

"What about the potion?" Pete asked.

"Already made and completed." Zak pointed to 6 purple viles filled with Trizusor's vanquishing potion.

"OK, do you want me to get Heath." Zak said.

"No he had a horrible night last night at his show in Egypt, plus the fact that Tremaine skipped out on him." Zak said and he kept scrying.

Heath soon walked into the room and saw his cousins drinking coffee. Zak was writing things down and Pete was sitting on the couch.

"I can't even sleep." Heath stated flopping down next to Pete. "Could he at least answer the phone to let me know he was alright."

"How was he last night when you went to his house." Pete asked.

"He seemed on edge and as if something bad was coming." Heath sighed.

"Bruce!" Zak called, then Bruce superspeed into the room.

"Yes?" Bruce sat next to Zak.

"Can you call a seer for us, please?" Zak asked.

"Can I do that?" Bruce asked sincerely.

"You are the president of the Magic community, I'm sure you can." Heath encouraged.

"OK, I'll tell my assistant to send out a call for one." Bruce said, he kissed Zak's temple and then was gone.

"OK, we will see what's up with Tremaine through the seer and continue to search for Trizusor." Zak said.

Two Hours Later...

"I'm taking the boys to school guys." Pete said leaving with Miles and X. Zak was on the phone with his assistant at the castle.

"I thought Suzanne was going to do that?" Zak sat up. "..she got a cold, but she lives with vampires who are neat freaks."

Heath walked in and sat on the couch next to Zak.

"OK well I will call for an temp to do it. OK bye." Zak hung up the phone then looked at Heath. "What's up?"

"Nothing, well I'm supposed to be resting because next week will be the busiest week on my tour." Heath said laying his head back. "But something is stopping me from sleeping or even relaxing."

"You're just worried about Tremaine." Zak looked at Heath with sympathy and support.

Some Park.

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)(boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora