Chapter 10

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“AHH!” I screamed, sitting up so fast my spine might’ve shattered.

Jimin sat up too, worried features marked into his face, “Hey, are you ok? What happened?”

“I-I…” I stuttered, my eyes wide and staring down at the bed in shock.

“Was it another nightmare?” He asked, putting his hand on my shaking one.

I whimpered as I nodded my head. Jimin immediately pulled me in for a tight hug.

“I’m so sorry, babe.”

Ever since my brother and I spoke with one another, I’ve been having the worst nightmares. They were all about how my mother died, the scent of blood almost too realistic to be a dream. I would always stand there, unable to move as my mother bled out onto the ground. In some dreams, The hunters would just shoot her even more. Bullets upon bullets pounding into her dead body, splattering blood everywhere. Sometimes when David would appear onto the scene, he himself would get killed. But not once did I ever scream afterwards. Cry? Sure. But never did I let out that kind of shrill scream.

“What was different this time?” Jimin asked, almost as if he was reading my mind.

I shuddered as I remembered the scene. Mother died in this one, as always… but then David was caught and not killed. He was taken to a lab where they opened him up and experimented on him. But that wasn’t the part that made me scream. What did was how he escaped. He tore threw the restraints keeping him down, and even though his stomach was cut through, he tore apart all the scientists, his guts hanging out of him. It was a terrifying scene, and at the end of it all, he just collapsed, bleeding out onto the tile. The look in his dead eyes was still scarred into my brain. Yes, they were glossy and dead… but they were looking right at me. I just was stuck staring back, and I couldn’t move. And that’s when I woke up screaming. It became too much.

“I don’t… I don’t wanna talk about it…” I whispered unevenly.

“That’s ok.” Jimin said, still squeezing me, “Do you want to go back to sleep?”

I shook my head. I didn’t want to have to go through that dream again.

“Do you want me to stay up with you?” Jimin asked. I was silent. “... I’ll take that as a yes.”

Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door, and I jumped. Jimin stood up to go grab the door, and opened it to reveal Hoseok and his son.

“Hey, we heard a scream, and my Seojun was really worried. Is everything ok?” Hobi asked, looking past Jimin to me, with tired and worried eyes. I began to feel really bad that I had woken them up. What if I had woken up someone else too? Ahh…

“It is now. (Y/N)... she had a really bad nightmare.”

“Aw man… sorry.” Hobi said, nodding his head in understanding.

Seojun tugged on Hobi’s shirt, and he looked down to him.

“Can we… Can I stay to make sure (Y/N) feels ok?” He said, his voice quiet and less annoying than I remember.

“Seojun, I’m sure they would like to go to sleep, and you need your sleep too. Ok?” Hoseok tried to explain to the five year old.

"He can stay!" Jimin said, smiling, "It would be nice to have some company. We aren't going to sleep anytime soon, anyway.

Hobi looked at Jimin with surprise, but then he smiled.

"You sure? I'm not gonna be able to stay. I need to go back to Eunny. She's still asleep, and she wouldn't like it if she woke up alone.

Fur and Claws (Werewolf!Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now