Chapter 2

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“Don’t freak out, but you’re my mate.”

“Y-you’re lying.”

I stood up.

“(Y/N), all of this I’m tell you is true. Trust me!”

“N-no, you’re lying. This can be happening. I gave up on love a long time ago…”

“(Y/N), please understand. Your wolf is trying to tell you the same thing… I’m not lying I promise-” Jimin reached out to grab my arm, but I jerked my arm away.

“G-get away from me!” I said, turning to run away.

“Wait! (Y/N), please!”

I started running, totally forgetting my drink and hotdog, before a pair arms wrapped around me.

“Please, (Y/N)...” Jimin said, as I struggled to get out of his strong grip. Jimin rested his head on my shoulder, holding on tight.

“Urgh, l-let me go!” I yelled.

Jimin didn’t let go. Despite all of my efforts to get away from him, I soon found myself calming down as his calming scent flooded my senses.

It’s ok. You’re safe.

I heard a voice inside my head tell me it was all ok, and I wondered if that was my wolf that Jimin was talking about.

It was all true, wasn’t it…

I… I was a werewolf, wasn’t I?

It… It kinda explained a lot, actually. I always seemed to have a better sense of smell than the rest of my family. Along with a munch of other things I could put all into a list. All this time, I had put them aside, just say that this was just normal. Everybody had their strengths anyway, right? But now… it was all different…

I felt tears start falling down my cheeks as I started to sob. Things were never gonna be the same anymore, were they?

“Shhhhh, it’s okay. It’s all gonna be alright… I’m here.” Jimin said. I felt his hot breath hit my cheek as he spoke. He turned me around, and I reached around him and hugged him back, feeling his fingers run through my hair as I sobbed into his chest.

It was so strange how I had only just met this man, and yet, I felt like he was the world to me. I cried harder, my fingers latching onto the back of his sweater.

This was it. I had fallen in love, again. Funny, how fast things can change, huh? Guess I wasn’t gonna be lonely anymore.

“Let’s go to your house, ok? I promise I will explain everything once we have somewhere quiet to talk.” Jimin spoke softly, and I nodded, pulling away.

And so we took a bus to the bus stop close to my apartment. We went up the stairs to my apartment, and I unlocked the door to let him in. Luckily, I had just tidied up, so it didn’t look like a pig stye like it usually was. I sat down on the couch, and Jimin sat beside me.

After a few moments of awkward silence, I finally spoke up.

“So… werewolves, huh?... I guess I got to get some talking to with my mom.” I said, still kinda of not really sure if this was all real or not, “I… have a lot of questions.”

“Yeah, I would assume so.” Jimin said, “I’m still questioning how you didn’t know you were a werewolf beforehand. This.. hasn’t really happened before. All pups are usually born and raised in their packs. We… actually don’t really make contact with human kind unless we needed to. They don’t really like us.”

I looked to Jimin, “So then why were you at Maverick?”

“Well, I was travelling back from visiting my sister in her pack, and I had to pass through some human towns. There was no avoiding that, so I decided to get myself a drink for on the way.” Jimin explained, “But enough about that, you said you had some questions? I am willing to answer any that you have.”

“Well, first off… why haven’t I ever turned on a full moon before? Doesn’t that usually happen with werewolves?”

“Well, actually, that’s a myth. We don’t actually turn into terrifying beasts or whatnot when the full moon comes out. Something else happens though.” Jimin said

“What happens?”

“Well, when a full moon comes, our powers do in fact enhance. It’s a time for us to use our strength to use and to go on a hunting spree so that we could have plenty of food for the next month. That’s all it is. A power surge.” Jimin explained.

“What can werewolves do then? What makes them werewolves?” I said, getting genuinely curious.

“Well, we can transform at will. We also have an enhanced sense of smell and night vision. You seriously didn’t notice how different you were when you were younger?”

“Well, I did, but I kinda just put it off… saying it was just normal.”

“Hmmm, well.”

“You said you can transform?” I asked, kind of interested in seeing this happen.

“Yup, we can. And you can, but since you didn’t even know that, I guess that’s your wolf’s fault, isn’t it?”

“My wolf… you said something about that earlier, but I didn’t really get what you meant.”

“Well your wolf is kinda what it says, it’s literally like a little wolf inside your head. It’s the source of your instincts, and the source of your powers. Without our wolves, we can’t transform.” Jimin said, “Your wolf also help you find your mate when you come of age.”

“Mate… y-you said we were mates…”

“Yeah. Since you lived without knowing what mates actually are, I guess it’s pretty weird to hear about this now, huh?.”

“Y-you have no idea…” I said, looking away.

“(Y/N), I need you to understand that you can’t control these things, nobody can. When your wolf decides on a mate, it’s forever…”

“K-kinda like soulmates?”

“Yeah, exactly like that, actually.”

“So… I’m stuck with you… forever?” I said, sweating nervously.

“That’s right… but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Most mates tend to come to love each other more than anything. It just takes a little time.”

“I only just met you…”

“Yeah… Sometimes when these things happen, it can sometimes be hard to grasp how someone you just met is going to end up being with you forever… I get that.” Jimin said. He took a hold of my hand suddenly, and my heart almost imploded at the contact. I could honestly start to feel my… “wolf” start to jolt around in excitement, “I just want you to know that, now that we’ve found each other, I will always stay by your side. I promise I will protect you… no matter what the cost.”

Jimin stared into my eyes, making a strong sense of safety and comfort overwhelm me as I looked into his sweet, caring, chocolate brown eyes. This “mate” thing really was strong, wasn’t it?

I really never believed in love at first sight, but now I can’t even deny it, cause here I was. Staring into the eyes of a stranger, as if he was my forever lover.

Fur and Claws (Werewolf!Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now