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The Funeral (2017) (Nobody's POV)

Everyone lined the streets in the small town near LA. Wearing all black. Holding up signs saying, " Kenzie Green 2000-2017 " Justine was crying in Juan's arm. Alicia looked so sickening. Standing there acting like she wasn't dead. And they weren't attending a funeral. Wearing a pink dress. Stupid.  MacKinnon looked at the ground. Guilty. The womb-mate that he was jealous of was up above, before he could even say sorry . Daniel was a wreck. Crying a lot. Screaming a lot. Upset a lot.  Thinking about her. Almost too much.  But he had to attend this funeral. No matter what.

The church was silent and the people with the signs filed in. Filling the church and leaving some people standing. Most people standing. " We are gathered here today to celebrate the life and grieve the death of Mackenzie Green. " The person says. They must be minister. " Mackenzie, or Kenzie to almost everyone was a young girl. Who struggled with the loss of her father at a young age. Causing her to cut herself. Attempt to end her life. " The minister says. " Five months ago. Five months ago, she was diagnosed with a rare blood disease. " The minister puts hands up. " And she lived those days to the fullest. Everything she did was just in case she didn't wake up the next morning. And one morning she didn't. " He continues the speech, and Daniel stares at the ground.

" Let's get family and friends to speak about her, members of the community. " They step up. Justine first. Justine looks at Daniel. He's a wreck. He is a mental, unstable, unsteady, collapsing wreck. She knows it, but her daughter loved him. " Hi, I'm Justine. Kenzie's mother. And I love my daughter. I do. From the first second she was alive to the last second. Most of the time she kept a smile on her face. She didn't want a anyone to know she was hurting. I feel bad, and guilty for not listening. When she found out she had a blood disease. It was when she was in the hospital for cutting her wrists.  Doctors say if she hadn't she wouldn't of had as much time. So thank the cheater. He was horrible for cheating but thank him for saving that small speck.  " Justine takes a breath. An image of Kenzie flashes in Daniel's mind. Stares at the ground. Blinking back tears.

" I also want to thank her boyfriend. who was there until the very last second. Painfully enough, literally. Because, she died in his arms. Thank him for keeping her alive. She probably would of killed herself if you hadn't of found your way into her life. I know I acted like I hated you, but, bad cop is built in me. Momma bear  " She says. Daniel looks up at her.  " don't act confused. Yes I'm thanking you." She laughs. Trying to make light. She has a personality like that. Her daughter died. And she is smiling.   Daniel nods. Looking down. He's trying to process she is actually dead. Still. After three weeks. He wanted to forget the dead body. The body that scarred him. Every time he closes his eyes.   Justine gets off the stage. Sliding in the seat next to Daniel. " Thank you so much. I can't thank you enough for all you did that you don't notice. Thank you for loving my daughter. Because love is the meaning of life and you helped her see that. " He nods. She hugs him and walk away.

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