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Kenzie POV
° 1 Day time skip brought to you by Daniel's cello skills,
My mom and brother cleaned my place out. She comes over every morning and gives my antibiotics. They cleaned the place of knives, plastic bags, anything I can use to kill myself. They even locked the fridge and the oven, and the microwave. I survive off of food from my mom's house. She brings every time she comes over. There is a knock on my door. I open it a little. It's Daniel. Why? One of Jack's bandmates. I walk outside. " If your here like you want to give me a note from Jack, I'm not listening Daniel, I-" " Kenzie " He says. "don't want to hear his stupid- " " Kenzie! " " Yes. What" " It's not about Jack, but your parents told Jack and Jack told me because I'm the only one he can trust to not tell I guess. About your-" " I don't want the I feel sorry for you act, ok! " I say, shutting the door. He holds the door so it won't shut. " I want to take you somewhere. " " I'm not -" "Somewhere fun. Like a amusement park." " Daniel -" Somewhere you could have fun please just come with me! " He says. He gets the door opened. I look at him. He looks sad but hopeful. "Please? " " Daniel , I don't want to have any fun, I'm about to die" " Why can't you just hang out? Nothing more. " " Daniel! " " No Jack, just us please. It would be fun..? " " I smile."I'll go." I say. I turn around and grab my jacket. I walk out the door. " So, amusement park? " I say. " To have some fun! " He laughs.

He drives me to the amusement park. I sit on the bench in my phone. " You really just want to sit there? Come on! " He says. He grabs my hand and takes me to the games. " Watch a master at his best. " He says. The plays one of the games. One where he throws a ring on a bottle he gets them all and gives me this big huge panda stuffed animal. He gives it to me. " What are you gonna name it? " " Leia. " I reply. My voice is shaky. " Why? " "I planned on naming my daughter Leia ." I say . " He looks at me. He looks sad. " I can't do anything. But I did get you the panda. I plan on getting you more, I want you to be happy. " He smiles. " Daniel, you don't have to. " " Well I plan on winning more games. " He says. He takes my arm and we walk to the next booth. I get another big animals. I name Antoinette, Paisley and Joseph. I still like Leia the best. He posts a pic. We have fun. " Want my phone number? " "Sure." I give him my number and he gives me his. He drops me off at my apartment. It was fun. Being alive. It wasnt. It was. It wasn't. It was. I lay in bed and get a string of texts from Jack.

J : Baby I love you
J : I wouldn't intentionally hurt you
J : You will be the only one
J : Please come back to me.
J : Baby please answer
J : I love you
J : Unconditionally
J : Forever
K : Then why in the hell did you cheat on me
J : I didn't cheat
K : What is me finding you kissing another girl????
J : Misunderstood you misunderstood
K : Making out with a girl on a couch. How is that " MISUNDERSTOOD "
J : Baby can we just go somewhere you and me
J : To talk
K : I'm happy I only have 3 months left of your bull
J : Can we go out? To talk??????
J : Just hear me out!
J : Please hear me out
J : Please?
J : Kenz?
K : Call me Kenzie or McKenzie
K : I hope I talk to you never.
I block him.

Messaging System : YOU ARE BLOCKED FROM SENDING MESSAGES TO (###) ### - ####
I throw down my phone and cry. I can't cut myself or choke myself and my mom already left from giving my antibiotics. I just cry. I wish I had someone's shoulder to cry on. I cry for an hour then go to sleep.

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