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Kenzie POV


" Good morning beautiful. " I hear. I close my eyes tighter. " Kenz. " He repeats after a moment of time. " Hmm. " I ask. I open my eyes. Daniel is hovering over me. don't reach up and kiss him. He nods after breaking the kiss and gets out of the bed. " Okay, your mom called. " Daniel throws me my phone. " When? " " About an hour or so ago. " " She's gonna kill me. Darn it. " I pick up the phone and call her

K : Hey mom.
Mo : Why didn't you answer my call, I thought you were hurt, sick maybe even dead Kenzi-
K : I was sleep. Sorry for not being sleep deprived
Mo : Well, I was calling to invite you to dinner
K : No
Mo : Not that boyfriend of yours though
K : No
Mo : I'm making Pesto Pasta
K : I'll think about it, bye.
Mo : Buh bye

I hang up and throw the phone down. " What did she want? " Daniel asks. " Oh, she wanted to invite me for dinner. " I say. He groans. " Let me guess one thing she said. But not that crazy boyfriend of yours though. " I nod. " Close. " I say truthfully. He does a sarcastic smile. " Yay... " I get up and pull on my shirt and pants. Daniel takes me by the wrist and turns me around. Kissing me softly. " You make me crazy.. " He mumbles. " Messing with your head? " "  Yeah, you.. " I open his door and walk out. My tights and his blue hoodie looking good together. I post it on Instagram. Captioned, ' Love the hoodie, it's mine now. ' Then go jogging down the stairs. " Hey Kenzie. " Jonah nods. " Hey. " I say. I sit on the couch. Jack comes downstairs. "Hey Kenzie. " I nod. Daniel jogs down the stairs. Going around him.  Sitting next to me. Then Zach runs down the stairs. " You got breakfast? " He asks Jonah. " I have bacon. " Jonah says. Zach considers it but sits down. Corbyn stumbles down the stairs and sits in a chair. Curling up in a ball and falling asleep. " I swear this guy. " Daniel laughs. " Stop mocking me, I tired.... " Corbyn mumbles. Sounding like a two year old. I laugh a little. " Sleep good Corby. " I laugh. I'm a mocking baby voice. " Anyone want bacon. " I stand up. Doing a couple cartwheels over to the kitchen. Stealing some and cartwheeling over back to the couch. " One too many red bulls? " Jonah asks. " maybe. " I say. Eating the bacon and sitting down. I touch my arm. Wincing. I still have the antibiotics pumping in my blood by a pump. It hurts when I touch it. " You okay? " Daniel asks. " Mhm Hmn. " I reply. " Your sure? " I laugh a little. " Your cute. " " I'm not ten. " Daniel whines a little. I laugh. Then I look back. I see Jack standing at the counter. Red faced and fiddling with the fork in his hand. Oh. I guess it's weird to well. You get it. With my ex in the room. Even the ex who did me wrong. Whatever. I sigh. " Ah, frick my mom's calling. " I get up and excuse myself to the bathroom. "

K : Yeah
Mo : I need you to come over now
K : What's this about?
Mo : You
K : What do you mean, me?
Mo : You aren't listening it's ABOUT YOUR HEALTH
K : What?
Mo : we are close to three months and I'm freaking out
Mo : but your my only daughter
K : You have that little brat by law
Mo : Kenzie, come on we need to get to the hospital for a blood test
K : Mom...
Mo : Yes?
K : Mom...

I feel like I'm going to pass out. Am I dying? Am i? Is this how I'm going to die?

Daniel POV

I hear a thud in the bathroom. A loud thud. A human hitting the ground. It takes me a while to realize. Kenzie went into bathroom. I run to the door and open it. " Daniel what's wrong? " Jack asks. She is on the floor. Unmoving. I check pulse, she's alive. I hear footsteps behind me. " Call, call nine one one. " I say. I hear a 'hello' and I keep checking her pulse. Then I hear rapid hellos. I pick up the phone beside her.

KM : Hello? Kenzie?!
D : Hi, this isn't Kenzie
KM : Daniel I know, where's Kenzie!?
D : She's in the ground.
KM : Does she have pulse?!!!!
D : Yeah, one of my. My friends are calling nine one one
KM : Oh my God, thank you for hearing me. I'm going to the hospital right now.

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