Day 1: The Secret

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Okay, hello Unicorns. This story is for the #JustWrite thing. My other will be postponed because it is not priority. Enjoy~ Parker ♥

~~Day 1: The Secret~~

I gazed adoringly out of my window into the unknown. I never heard my mum come in, "Wolves, again?" She said wearily, more stating it then asking it. I nodded, turning around to look at her. "Obviously, I'm going to be here tomorrow and the day after that..." I told her ruefully. She sighed and sat down on my bed next to me. "Dear me, Willow Prescott, you never seem to do anything else." She pointed out wistfully. I shrugged, "I'm happy, I don't mind!" I replied earnestly. She shook her head, almost irately, and got up. "Of course, but you never seem to think about what I mind!" Mum snapped, stalking out of the room. I bit my lip, I should really go and check on her, see if she was alright- perhaps even apologize. But my head turned toward the window impulsively and I couldn't help it- I had to stay there and watch the secretive forest. My eyes started to get slightly blurred as my mind slipped into the unconscious state from fatigue, and I wondered what would happen if I ever moved away from my Wolves.

Suddenly, my mind snapped into the reality, a light figure took my attention. It was a lean, white wolf and it was injured. It was limping toward the edge of the forest looking forlorn. I swung my legs off the bed to go and get a closer look. I glared avidly across to it, my dark brown eyes almost glowing with excitement. I raced downstairs, grabbing my coat on the way out. "You're right mum, I'm sorry." I called out, "I should go and make friends, I'm going out. I'll be back for tea!" With that I slammed the door shut. When I was outside, my breath made a white mist from the gelid conditions. I wasn't perturbed though- I raced to the edge of the woods. The white wolf lay convulsing on the floor, I gasped and bent down, not thinking about my safety. Its eyes, a deep, forest green- somehow familiar- burned into my own. I held the head of the wolf as it panted and spasm-ed. Then something strange happened and I nearly freaked out, the hair of the wolf- the velvety fur, was sort of well... Shrinking? Yes, it was clearer now, the hair was growing inward and the body was lengthening and stretching. Within a minute, the most popular guy in school- Caleb Mason, was resting in my lap. "Let me explain," He said simply. "We'll go the the cafe down the road."

The waitress, obviously a 'popular' glanced at me coldly and smiled to Caleb sweetly, "Hey babe, what can I get you?" She asked, batting her fake eyelashes. He smirked, "A glass of coke and a packet of crisps, same for Willow." She glanced again at me and narrowed her eyes, pouting at him. "Sure." She said coldly, glaring at me as if it was my fault, I, however, couldn't care less. I glared at Caleb instead from across the table. "What the hell? How are YOU a wolf?" I demanded, embarrassed that my Wolf who I had loved deeply was a jerk. He was just staring as if he couldn't believe something. "You are... My mate?" He asked me slowly. I narrowed my eyes in anger, my lip curling in slight annoyance, "Hardly, Mason." I snapped. He shook his silvery blonde hair I had caressed and I let out a huff on annoyance. "No, not like that. Please, Willow, let me explain." He pleaded softly, reaching over to take my hand in his. I shrugged, I actually wanted to hear the explanation for this event. I nodded my head swiftly, "Sure. Go ahead Mason." I replied shortly. He gave a slight huff, "Please, Willow, call me by my first name, Caleb?" He asked quietly, I shrugged again and he continued, but the snotty waitress was back. She flung the packets on the table and put the cokes carelessly on the mats, spilling a drop of mine. Caleb passed her a tenner and told her to keep the change. "Okay," He continued, looking at me, "So you've seen who I really am. A wolf. We are a race- like humans and faeries and vampires and any supernat you can think of. Don't ever beguile it, you may live to regret it- or not live at all. Obviously we have to stay hidden, only revealing ourselves to our mate, our soul-mate." I slanted my head slightly, I had no choice but to believe him. I had seen it with my own eyes, "Mate??" I whispered, earning a nod and a warm smile from Cal. He stood up, brushing the imaginary crumbs off of his clothes. "Yes, mate. Time to meet the family." He said.

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