chapter 19

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They both sat around the fire for a while, casually talking to each other about there childhood. They both didn't have much to say about that. When it started to get late, Rey's eyes started to droop. She stood up and said goodnight to him.

She walked into her Hut and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
She could feel him on top of her and his hands pushed against her ribs making sure she stayed put. The tears were running down her face as she realised she couldn't move. She started to shake as Poe grabbed her wrists and dragged them so they sat above her head.

"don't worry, this won't hurt too much" he said smiling down at her.

She woke up screaming and tears started flowing down her face. She tried to remind herself that it was only a dream, yet that exact thing had happened to her and it made her scared. She was still crying when she saw Ben standing in the middle of her door.

"I'm sorry, I heard you scream and I wanted to make sure you were ok" he said turning to leave. As shaken up as she was, she couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her chest.

"wait..." she said as the tears stopped flowing. He turned around to face her small body.

"can you please stay with me?" she asked looking towards the ground. She felt embarrassed that she needed someone to help her through this but she felt comfortable around him. He starred at her stunned. Every part of him wanted to take that offer yet he felt within her the emotional instability. She was scared beyond belief and Ben knew exactly why.

"are you sure" he asked taking a step forward. She nodded quietly and shuffled over. He climbed into bed with her making sure he wasn't too close but close enough to comfort her fragile soul. Instantly she felt relief flood through her. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep again, but having Ben at her side made her feel relaxed.

Matching her breathing to his heartbeat she Eventually drifted off to sleep.

She awoke to a light laying against her eyes. It was the sun. She slowly looked around the room and realised her head was laying to rest upon his chest. In the madness of the night she hadn't even realised that he didn't have a shirt on. She didn't move for a couple of minutes wanting to take it all in. She refused to let herself get attached to this moment and convinced herself that he didn't feel the same way. But his face was so peaceful when he slept and whenever she was around him she felt her worries melt away.

She liked that feeling.

Without wanting to wake him up, she tip toed out of the room. She walked along the path that lead towards the beach. Finding her feet laying in the cool sand she slowly put her ankles in the water. She decided to go in deeper, testing the water. It felt amazing on her burning skin. She stopped when Ben's shirt that she was wearing entered the water.

She didn't have any other clothes but she didn't care, she needed the peace, the serenity. She let the cool waves wash over her and she didn't care that her clothes were now soaking wet. She let her hair down and crouched in the water.

She thought about what had happened in the past week. Thomas, Poe, escaping, Ben


She felt a warmth spread through her chest as she thought of him. All he did was comfort her during the night but the fact that not even a month ago he was the supreme leader to the first order made her proud of how far he had come. Does he care about her? Or

Does he care about her as much as she does?

She sat in the water until she heard something behind her. She turned her head to find Ben walking towards her, stopping at the edge of the water.

"how long have you been here for?" he asked staring down at her. She shrugged not wanting to think about it.

He smiled at her weak attempt of an answer. "you do realise that you can't keep borrowing my clothes, right?" she looked up at him. He did have a fair point.

"I'm sorry but I wasn't actually planning on coming here" she said sarcastically. He gave a light laugh and she looked up at him.

"I know, do you wanna go into town tonight and then we can buy you some clothes and I can buy us some food for dinners and stuff" she nodded back to him and she walked out of the water. She felt and odd trickling coming down her side.

"I think we are going to need some new bandages as well" she walked towards him and held her side. He stopped and looked at her.

"If that bandaging hasn't helped it then you are going to need something stronger, like stitches" he looked down at her and could feel her panic. She didn't like pain, especially after what happened this week.

He smiled at her. "it's ok, I won't hurt you" she felt the blush creeping up her skin. Only he could make her blush. He gave a small chuckle at her comment and she slapped his arm. Don't read my mind!

He stopped laughing but didn't stop smiling.

"cmon let's go back up to the huts and get you dry" he started to walk away so she followed. When they both got back to the huts he ran inside of his and grabbed a towel and a new shirt. She went back into her room and put them on. She stopped before putting the shirt on, her side was really bleeding.

"Ben!" she yelled out to him. He came to the door and stopped when he saw her. She only had pants and a bra on but also her whole side was covered in blood. The wound had reopened and it was bleeding bad. She looked up at him with panic in her eyes.

"hang on a second" he ran back out if the door and a minute later he returned with the first aid kit.

There really wasn't much in there to help them out. They used her towel to wipe off the blood. And he grabbed the last remaining bandage and guaze and placed it on top of the wound and secured it. It wasn't going to be strong enough but it would have to do until they left for the village.

"put the shirt on and then we will go to the village now, we can't risk you bleeding out again" he stared into her eyes and she felt happy to be with him. She nodded and he walked out. She put her shirt back on and walked out to see him holding 2 cloaks.

"while we are in the village, we have to wear this so no one recognises us. The people of Edroth are really nice so I doubt they will say anything but just in case" he chucked her a cloak and she put it on her shoulders and pulled the hood on. He stared at her and she smiled.

"ready?" he asked her.

"always" she replied back.

Authors notes :
*everyone shouting*
Reylo has arrived
More to come

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