chapter 5

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She stands there in the cold water. Alone. Finally snapping back to her senses, she walks out and puts her clothes back on.

The sun was now shining through the trees and the warmth reached her cheeks. Double checking that she had the crystal, she packed up her stuff and made her way towards the Jedi temple.

After 10 minutes of walking through the dense rainforest she saw it. A cream coloured, ancient building. It looked delicate to the touch as if it would crumble with the slightest embrace.

It drew her forward like it was calling to her. She stopped at the entrance noticing that the ground had a drop off. She could hear whispers through out the temple and knew instantly that it was the past Jedi's calling to her.

Without a second glance she jumped down into the pit. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and her shins tingled with shock at the drop.

Cursing herself to move forward, she saw rows of tombs stacked up- the previous Jedi.

She moved until she absentmindedly smacked into a podium. Glancing down at her hip, lay a stone bench with words enscribed on the hard surface.

She squinted trying to read the writing that lay before her

To create a weapon harnessing light
You must be able to put up a fight
Place a hand on the podium and the spirits will see
If the Jedi's weapon, the saber calls to the...

She stopped and re read the passage. She did want to create a lightsaber.
She placed her hand on the stone and a soft hum fell through the silence. The whispers started up again and her vision went totally black.

Images- a blur at first, ran through her mind. Glances of raging waves and delicate flowers filled her mind. White and black mingling in the middle to make grey. Finally she was under water, where the light ran out and was pitch black at her feet, yet the rays shone through and lit up her head.

She could feel herself return to the temple and with a sharp breath her eyes saw a light.

A small stick lay in her hand, her thumb hovering over the button in the middle. It was a lightsaber, she was worthy.

She felt nervous not wanting to find out the colour. Hesitantly she pressed it and a yellow glow filled the cavernous room. But instead of one light, a light shot out of either end of her stick or she should say her staff.

Meanwhile across the galaxy his temper was rising. Kylo could feel his troops abandoning him, their supreme leader. He musnt show his rage though. If he wanted to get out of here safely he must make sure no one knew of his plan nor suspected it.

He knew he was being selfish. Running away because someone with rising power and an army could beat him. Yet he felt no shame, in this world it is kill, or be killed.

Walking into the docking area, he noticed two troopers standing guard. No one else was around or even at the panels. Seriously what was he paying everyone for? Making the guards leave, he sat down at the docking panels and set a ship to be released in one weeks time. Putting the automatic release on mute so no one could see his escape pod, he slowly walked back to his room.

Pulling the door shut he turned and slumped onto his bed. He took his mask off and sat there pondering.
The scavenger was getting on his nerves, always wanting Hux to win. He wondered why that was, he thought they had grown a bit as acquaintances during the past 2 years, having their force bond and what not. She opened herself up to him and he the same yet, she still chose to remain where she was.

He could sense she was getting stronger physically and with the force, he felt proud of that.

But she didn't have a teacher, no matter how much time she spends with Luke. How could he show her the ways of the force when all he wanted to do was hide...

He stopped abruptly when he realised that, that was exactly what he was doing.

He got up and packed a quick get away bag in case anything went wrong. Settling back down on his bed, he fell asleep.

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