Wanted Intell., A Ship to Leave., and An Emotional Good-bye.

Start from the beginning

"(BFN)? Is that you?" I asked as I approached them. I haven't seen or heard from them since three duty stations ago which would be about two and a half years ago.

"(Y/n). How's it been girl?" They said with a smile and started to come closer waving my free hand in the so so motion. I smiled in return and followed them as they continued to do their job. The one question still on my mind that puzzled me I asked (BFN).

"Where do you think it's taking them?" I asked.

"Anywhere but here." They said with a sigh and walked on with the rocket/spaceship. Tears were staring to prick at the corners of my eyes but I inhaled and exhaled to keep them in and a straight face on. I can't let the Decepticons win. I had to fight for the people that are counting on me, not just for myself but for Sam, Carly, my parents, and especially Optimus. I heard a plea from the smaller Autobot's.

"(Y/n)! Please, listen to me. Don't let them exile us! Don't let them take us away! You know this is a trap. Save us, please!" Wheelie and Brains cried out. They were in-prisoned in a cage like animal reaching out to me for help. I ran over to them and grabbed there hands.

"It's going to be okay, I promise!" I whispered to them in Cybertronian as a tear slid down my face. A hand grabbed my arm and yanked me away from them as they released their own tears of sorrow and fright. "I get it. Let go of me!" I told the person as I pulled my arm away from them and did the only thing I could do and walked away with my head hung down.

"(Y/n)." A voice called that I recognized as Optimus'. I turned and looked up to him as he crouched down towards me. I didn't know what to say so I let him continue. "What your leaders say is true. This is all my fault. I told them whom to trust and I was so wrong." He said in a flat tone that reflected his emotions perfectly I wanted to console him but the electricity shooting through my nervous system kept me rigid but that didn't stop from vocally consoling him in this situation.

"That doesn't make it your fault. It just makes you human for a change."

"Remember this. You may lose your faith in us, but never in yourselves. You are the most amazing being I have ever met in my life, (Y/n). I thank you for your kindness and love." He said as he started to walk away. I wanted to chase after him for him to stop and fight for me but the stupid spy Decepticon wouldn't let me. It was forcing me to complete my task.

"Please tell me your not just giving up, you must have a plan to fight back. You always have a plan, so what's your plan? Come back with more reinforcements?" I grunted out and held my aching arm with my other hand.

"I'm sorry. There's no plan." He said as turned away. Tears broke the dams behind my eyes. The decepticon attached to my wrist finally let go of my nervous system so I was free from them for the time being.

"If we just do what they want, how are we gonna live with ourselves? How do you expect me to live fully without you?" I asked him and all he did was stop and glance over his shoulder at me as if I didn't matter.

"You are me best friend and lover, (Y/n). You didn't need me before you met me and you will find a way to continue on without me ass well as everyone that has turned their backs on us. Your leaders have spoken, from here the fight will be on your own." He said and walked away. Not even giving me another glance, it was breaking my heart even more that he won't even look at me. He told the other to hurry. Bumblebee walked up to me next and I grabbed his figure that was extended out to me in a hug. I squeezed as tight as I could not wanting him to leave me too. His broke the silence with a broken voice speaking in Cybertronian.

"(Y/n), he loves you more than you will possible know and he knows that it will break his spark even more if he looks back. Even though we had a ruff beginning we came closer and became a family. You are my greatest friend along with Sam, you will always be my friend, my family. I gotta go." He whispered to me. He gently retracted his hand to leave. He turned to leave but he looked back at me I stared at him as tears streamed down my face and a single one fell down his face. He quickly wiped it away and loaded into the ship. Simmons came up to me and held my hand giving it a gently squeeze in reassurance.

"Years from now, they're gonna ask us. Where were you when they took over the planet? We're gonna say, we just stood by and watched." He said letting go of my hand and rolled away in his wheel chair. Sobs broke out much harder now. I inhaled and held the rest of them in and left to find a secluded place to watch the rocket take them far far away from my reach. The rocket took off and started to reach the atmosphere when a missal hit it and blew the whole thing up. I was in shock and grief that I started to lash out but all of it is going to go towards the Decepticons and the aligned humans. I promised Wheelie and Brains that they would be okay and now they are dead, I failed them.

"You got your answer now get off me you leech. I'm coming for every single one of you assholes even the humans that have aligned with you. That's a promise and I never break a promise. Your deaths are going to slow and very painful." I said with hate and venom so strong if physical would have sent shivers up their spines or back-struts. I popped off and fell to the ground. I whipped out a gun and shot it effectively destroying it into tiny bits. It made me satisfied to know that there was one less Con out there but I wanted my revenge. I marched off to get teams ready for an all out war as well as a rescue and extraction team for Sam and Carly. I will find them and I will win.

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