Stolen Car, "Are you a girl?", PTSD, and S-7?

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Time Skip to Bumblebee not letting anyone sleep. --- Late at night.

"Oh, God. No no no no no no no no no no no! Hey, that's my car! Hoh- No! No no no-no-no. Dad, call the cops!" Sammy yelled at night while he was putting on his shoes I was already in my car turning it on and putting it in reverse to catch Sam's car thief. My blood was pumping with the thought of action. I sped behind the car as it started to zip down the streets and roads. They seemed to catch me following them, so they sped up and turned corners at random, so I decided to try and cut them off which lead me to a junkyard, and totally forgetting about my brother. As I was trying to find the guy, I stumbled upon my brother's car turning into a giant robot. I stared in awe as it looked into the sky and producing a light that was made a symbol of a face. Then it clicked, it was the same symbol as on the steering wheel. I barely heard Sammy as he started to record the robot. But instead, all I heard after was Sammy mumbling and growling of dogs. I peeked over my shoulder to see two aggressive dogs both females.

"Sam! Run!" I yelled. He got up and started to sprint while I waited five seconds to protect him.

"No! No! No! No! My God. No, you're good dogs! Good dog! Good dog! Oh my God. Whoa! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Whoa! All right! Oh! No! No!" Sammy yelled as he ran for his life. After he took off the dogs went after him but caught me as their target because I was behind him. He climbed the barrels in an abandoned silo as I reached the bottom barrel one of the dogs bit my right leg causing me to muffle a scream of pain. I turned and punched the dog in the nose and jabbed my hand down the other one's throat causing it to whimper and back away. The dog I punched was scared away by my brother's car. "Okay. Please, please don't kill me! Take the keys! I don't want them! Car's yours!" He yelled and ran while the car was busy. I jumped down and grabbed his keys because he is an idiot. Then limp jogged to where he was. He was almost running over by the cops, but I pushed him out of the way. As I tumbled down to the ground after rolling off the hood as if I was a hood ornament, then proceeded to groan. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Listen, listen, listen. Good, you're here." I slowly sat up off the ground and glared at one of the police officers came over to see if I was okay. The other got hostile with my brother because he was acting like a lunatic.

"Let me see your hands!" As the police argued with my brother, the other started to help me up.

"Miss are you okay?" The officer asked.

"No. You hit me with your car! I've been shot, bombed and thrown into a full out war but being hit by a car is far worse than those!" I yelled at the officer. I think I may have hurt his feelings but oh well. I'm in too much pain to care at the moment.

"Ma'am, please calm down. I need to take you and this man to the station. Since you are hurt I am not going to put you in cuffs. But everything you say and do will be held against you in front of the court of law to prosecute." He said gently. I grabbed his hand and he helped me limp into the car. I sighed. Dad made it to the station and paid for my brother's bail while I got off the hook since they hit me with their car. As we were taken to the station. I was so embarrassed by my brother and dad but kept my cool by zoning out until I heard my name.

"(Y/n), let's go," Dad said while gently pulling my arm.

"Wait! I have the right to prosecute due to her having a weapon." The drunk officer said after picking on Sammy. I snarled as he said that.

"I am an officer in the United States military and have a conceal and carry license. Everything I carry has been cleared by the government and if I were you I'd shut that filthy mouth of yours before your badge gets stripped due to intoxication while on duty." After I said that they both shut their mouths and let us leave. But Dad was pissed at Sam while he dismissed me because I was dragged along just to get more injuries. Once in my room, I took a shower to get all the gross grime off me and to maybe stitch up my bite mark. The hot water hit my skin causing my muscles to relax and loosen. I washed my hair and body then turned the water off. Even though I know that I am home, my military life is still active, I have this gut feeling that my team was, for the most part, alive until I got a call on my phone. I picked it up to see the number was a secret private line.

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