Apologies., The Action Never Stops., and Brush of Death..

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Optimus' P.O.V.

I stayed still while Cade and (Y/n) made repairs to help keep me going. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she moved around the barn and structure around me as if I was another mission or objective to her. My spark yearned to have her attention as silence grew around us three. Cade sent the other male to get some parts from the hardware store as they fixed other parts. I was feeling better so I tried tugging (Y/n) through our bond, but she kept working. Cade left shortly after, so (Y/n) was in the barn working. I looked out the crack of the door and saw that it was dark out. "(Y/n), you should get some sleep." I said. She didn't respond. "(Y/n)." I tried to get her attention.

"You don't get to tell me what is good for me." She said as she continued to work. I was silent for a second, feeling all the hurt, sorrow, and anger from her.

"I know that."

"If you know that then why are you doing it? You don't get to come back into my life like nothing happened, like you didn't abandon me when I needed you the most!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry. I had to leave. I couldn't take you with me."

"Why didn't you come back for me?" She said and turned to look at me.

"You needed to heal. I couldn't put that strain on you." Guilt was eating away at me.

"No, you just made me struggle and suffer by myself without any support at all." She said and turned to fix the part in front of her. I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say. I was stuck. This never happened to me before. She turned from the table getting up. She took a step but she fell onto the dirt floor. Her suit was glitching. Her left leg disappeared and flickered back into form. My optics widened as I realized she lost her leg. She pulled herself up and struggled to get to her standing position. I leaned forward and gently scooped her up in my hand. She didn't fight me as if all her fight was gone. Tears dropped from my optics as I realized how much turmoil I put her through as her friend, comrade, and most importantly her other half.

"Optimus, put me down. I can do it myself." She whispered out.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry! I should have stayed!" I exclaimed as she shuffled to kneel on my hand my other hand slowly came up behind her to make sure she doesn't fall. "I failed you!" I cried out. Through my tearing optics I felt hands on my face. "Please, forgive me." I whispered. I felt the love from a soft pair of lips on my nose. A soft smile graced my face as I knew that (Y/n) will always forgive me and we can get through any rough patch in our relationship. Our alone time was ended by the creaking of the barn door. Another female human came in. She stayed by the door with an anxious expression on her face. I looked from her to (Y/n) who was no longer hugging my face, but gently slumped against my hand with her suit gone revealing her missing leg.

"Um. I can put (Y/n) to bed so you know. Can rest?" The female asked. I looked at her then back at (Y/n). I lowered my hands as the girl made her way to the sleeping form of (Y/n). "Hey (Y/n), it's time for bed. Wakey wakey." The girl said while gently shaking (Y/n)'s shoulder. (Y/n) stirred then flashed her eyes open siting straight up in pure panic with a terrified look in her eyes. She gasped for air before calming down back into a drowsy state.

"Tessa?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yes, it's me. You are safe. Want to go to bed?" Tessa asked. I watched as Tessa tried to coax (Y/n) to an actual bed.

"No. I want to stay." (Y/n) pouted and curled in before almost falling back to sleep. Tessa shook her head and pulled (Y/n) gently out of my hand. She piggy backed (Y/n) out of the barn and to the house. I watched through the broken window of the barn that no one could see into unless they were taller than 17 feet. Lights flicked on and off before the girl, Tessa came back to the barn. There was silence between us before she broke it.

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