Ch. 1- In the Beginning

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"They made you into a weapon and told you to find peace."


In the beginning, there was a girl who was destined to heal the world and a boy destined to destroy it. She was full of light and he was made of darkness and despite all the odds that were ever in their favor, the two of them fell in love. They fell and then they flew. Death was like an old friend to them, watching each other die in each other's arms time and time again. Fate did not like the two of them together even if it was written in the stars. Even the mystical creatures up above could not change the course of history. But it did not mean they couldn't make others do their bidding.

The girl and boy knew others were against their love since the first time they met. They knew that fate could pull them miles away from each other in a matter of seconds. Despite the life they made and the Kingdom they saved, the two of them realized they could not live if the other died. On their wedding night, they made a bargain that cannot be broken. If one was injured, the other one would be, too. And if one died, the other died also.

It began with a girl with the power to heal and a boy with a thirst for blood.

It will end with them.


The Breevort bloodline survived for centuries, their powers allowing them to be unstoppable. Ruthless. It started with a woman who fought for her people, for her newfound Kingdom, and their home. She made sure it would survive even after she was gone, watching even now to see no one ruins her home. Her family's home. The Kingdom of Ambrosia stood for centuries, surviving the unspeakable. The people of Ambrosia and their homes survived wars and famine and droughts that they did not know if they were going to live. They wanted someone to save them. They hoped there would be a King someday who cared about them, who willingly wanted to help them.

In the middle of the 16th century, Audrey and Charles Breevort gave birth to a boy. They named him Sebastian after the famous saint. Before that, they wanted to know what kind of power he would hold. If it would be dangerous or useless or helpful to the next King of Ambrosia. The King and Queen went to their prophet, who had the most credibility in their community. He had sunlight in his veins, the prophet said. Their baby would allow others to walk in the sunlight. So when he was born, sunlight burst in the room as he let out his very first battle cry. His mother and father could not believe it. Their son was a miracle. He was beautiful.

They quickly realized others would want Sebastian's power, even torture him for it. That was the thing about Vampires, they would absolutely do anything to be able to walk in the daylight again. Even murder the future King of Ambrosia for it. Audrey and Charles would not allow that to happen. So at a young age, Sebastian was taught to hide his powers. Do not give others the power of sunlight, his parents told him. Hide who you truly are, the Council said.

He wanted to know why he had to hide his sunlight. He wanted everyone to be able to walk in the sunlight as he can. Sebastian did not understand at the time why people would be so cruel. His father simply told him it was because our kind were monsters and some of them lost their hearts long ago. The future King of Ambrosia wondered if there was someone who understood him. As he ran around his home, hiding in the kitchen and wherever no one would find him, he thought about what kind of friend he would like to have. He was in his favorite hiding spot, below the kitchen where the smell of fresh blood heightened his senses. Young Sebastian found a book on Faeries and what they could do. Some could fly, some had the power of fire and ice. Some could even heal the injured. If he were to have a friend, he thought it would be fun to have a Faery. He decided right then his friend would have red hair since that was his favorite color. She would have golden eyes like the sun and they would fly like Icarus towards the sun together. It was all in his imagination, of course. No one would allow him to have a friend like that.

The Fire Between Us- Book EightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora