Ch. 20- Watch Your Back

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"Paint me a heaven of love with your bloodied mouth."

Vivienne had a secret that wanted to come out—but it was stuck in between her bones and muscles that only she knew about. As a little girl, this secret kept her alive long enough to see the next day. It kept her warm in the coldest winter days—when her captor forgot about her in the dungeons. You see, Vivienne Laveau knew what her mother was and how ruthless she became to gain power for her Kingdom. Vivienne's Kingdom, too. But it did not protect her in the end of her mother's reign. It just kept her hidden until the right time.
For as long as she can remember, she thought she deserved this torture. After all, Vivienne's mother Agnes betrayed Eva Miller and in retaliation, Eva kidnapped Vivienne and kept her in a cell that was cold and filthy. She cried and cried until no tears came out—until the only emotion she felt was depression.
The Princess of Locasta did everything in her power to get out, but she did not realize that her captor was powerful. She had not only one power but two—one in which she stole from her sister. But that was not the only thing she stole, Vivienne realized. There was a girl out there who knew that her mother hated her for loving someone, when that was the opposite. She knew her name and how she fought for the Vampires, how she died and came back to life in a matter of months and somehow defeated the Devil. She was the woman who married the Vampire King and had kids that were Vivienne's age. How those children were being raised in a castle when Vivienne's own mother died on the battlefield and left her with her captor—who did not care enough about Vivienne to save her.
Her name was Elora Miller.
Every day, Vivienne would wonder about the Queen of Ambrosia. It was in those thoughts that got her out of her depression, for she hoped that Elora Miller would figure out that her old enemy had a daughter, that she was now trapped in a dungeon with no light and no warmth. But every day, that hope flickered out in the abyss—where all the dead dreams go. Days went by, years until she completely gave up again. Where all Vivienne did was lay on the ground and stare at the walls covered in blood and scratches.
She was dying, yet she did not know it would feel so empty. So lonely. Desperately, she wanted her Mother to tell her it's okay to go. But she never came. The gentle voice she heard in her mind so vaguely never returned.
Not when another girl entered the dungeons beside hers and started screaming and thrashing to let her own. She's the one to save you from the torture. Get up, child. And so she did. When the girl went silent, it was Vivienne's chance to escape. To open the girl's door and help her go back to wherever she came from. The guards left her doors unlocked, not thinking that she would ever escape from her prison. After all these years, she finally did. Quietly, she walked to the dungeon next to hers and tried to open it but it was locked. Dissera portus. Repeat after me, child. Whispering, Vivienne spoke an incantation, "Dissera portus."
After a few seconds, the door unlocked and Vivienne smiled at herself for the first time in her life. She opened the door to the dungeon and the girl automatically looked at Vivienne. She was curious, much like what Vivienne was feeling, also. "Who are you?" the girl whispered. She had a mix of red and brown hair, with dark golden eyes that made her nervous.
Vivienne said nothing as she closed the door behind her, afraid a guard might catch her out of her cell. Her name is Kalama Breevort and she is a friend. Do not betray her like I did to her parents. She is brave and will save us all. There was a silence between the two women, wondering what the other one was thinking. Then, Vivienne replied, almost forgetting that Kalama spoke to her. "I heard your screams and could not take it anymore. I had to make sure you weren't dead."
"How generous of you," Kalama grumbled, which made Vivienne smirk. She had never met the Vampire King, but she knew that he had a temper, which Kalama showed clearly. "Who are you, girl?"
"I am no one and nothing. You do not need to know who I am," Vivienne spoke. "But I came here to help and all you need to know is that I notified your family. They are coming at this very moment. I promise." It was lie, of course. She did not notify them just yet, for she needed to know the spell for it. Prend ce message ce au le centre se levant, her mother confessed. Within seconds, she repeated the words in her head and then sent a message to Kalama's family.
Your daughter is in the outskirts of Bucharest, in the middle of the woods. Come get her, family of Kalama Breevort.
Silence fell on both of them again, staring at each other with familiarity and curiosity. "Why would you even help me? I am the enemy here and you should be torturing me instead of helping me escape."
Vivienne smiled. "I don't believe that, Kalama. I hope to fight by your side one day. Not only I know what you can do, no, but because I made it my mission to change history. And this is the start." Part of it was true, after all. She did not know what Kalama was fully capable of, nor what her powers were but Vivienne did not care at the moment. She wanted her to know that she was on her side, that she had the will to change history.
"At least let me help you," Kalama confessed. "I would feel terrible if I left you in this hellhole."
Vivienne's expression was serious. "I cannot leave." Technically, she could leave. No one here cared about her and it would be easy to escape. But she wondered about the outside world, how the other supernatural beings treated Witches like her now. It was a terrifying thought.
"Why not?"
"I just can't." Vivienne said. "Now, they are to be here in a few days so do not give up. Promise me you won't give up." Don't give up like she did, Kalama.
"At least give me a name. You owe me that much."
At last, the Lost Princess of Locasta smiled like it was her birthday, though she did not know what day that was. "Vivienne Leavau. Vivi." And that was that. She left Kalama's dungeon and into her own, a swell in her heart and hope in her eyes. I love you, Vivienne. You are my whole heart. Protect them from the enemy, they will need you and your army someday. I will always be with you.
"Thank you, Mother."
At last, Vivienne laid on the floor and dreamed of a new world.
A better one.


One seconds, I was trapped under a pile of rubble. Next, I was underground and from the looks of it, it was the dungeon in which I was held for years. Why was I here? And who the hell saved me from the collapse of the Ambrosia palace? My eyes swirled around at the bodies standing around her, silence with their arms crossed over their chest. "Um, hello?"
"It's nice to finally meet you, daughter of Agnes,' a woman said. Her hair was curly like mine, but was the color of chestnut as her eyes were a clear blue like the ocean. She smiled at me like we met before and the nervousness caught up with me in a matter of seconds. I was in Ambrosia and then it collapsed and I was not sure the people in it survived the fallout. "Eva Miller made her move on Ambrosia. Locasta will be next and we need a Queen."
I stood up finally, facing them all. "I would say it took you long enough but I have one question." The woman raised her eyebrows, smiling in the process as if she knew what she was going to say. "Will my other part of me be a problem for the Kingdom? Will you still respect me as a Queen?"
"We do not care about that, Vivienne. We care about our Queen and her willingness to fight for our Kingdom." she paused, glancing at the others who were quiet. Two males, and three females stood around her—all of them Witches like me.
"Then, I say yes." I confessed quickly. All of them bowed their heads at the new Queen, but I was in a rush. I needed to go out there and help my friends. The Kingdoms need to get together and fight Eva Miller and her army. "What are your names?"
The woman with the chestnut hair spoke first. "Theodora. Theo for short." Then she pointed at the others. "Arlo, Ren, Neera, Brenna, and Jezebel. Your Council."
I smiled. "It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Theo tilted her head as she smiled. "We have to get our soldiers ready before we go to battle. Elora and Sebastian will be okay until then."
"They think I'm dead." I confessed.
"Let them all think you are, Vivienne. We need to take Eva by surprise and this is the only way to do it." It makes sense, I thought. If they think I am dead, then Eva will think she can win the war. But that is not the case, for me and my army will kill her like she did to me.
Despite everything I learned in the past five minutes, all I could think was Aeson. He must have searched for me, but I was nowhere. He thought I was dead. My heart broke in two pieces at the thought. I hoped that after this war ended, he would understand what I had to do—what needed to be done for all of us to win. Just like what Kalama is doing right now and even his Mother, he needed to understand that we had to make sacrifices. "Let's get ready." I demanded. My first act as the Queen of Locasta. Get ready for battle. I am proud of you, Vivienne. I will see you soon, I promise.
I curled my lips into a proud smile, sending a message to Kalama Breevort before leaving with my Council. She was my best friend and my savior and her friendship means the world to me. They think I am dead, but fear not, that is just a ruse to get the upper hand on Eva. Do not tell Aeson or the others! I cannot wait to fight by your side, Kala.
She answered within seconds. Lips are sealed, Vivi. The eclipse is tomorrow and we need to be there before that happens. Where are you now?
Locasta. My army is getting ready at this very second.
Giving you a bow as we speak, Queen Vivienne. I am so proud of you. I, too, cannot wait to fight by your side and there is no doubt that we will win this fucking war. You have my word.
Thank you, Kala.
No, thank you. We would not be here if it wasn't for you. You are changing history one day at a time. I will see you tomorrow.
I breathed in and out for a full minute and let my Council walk beside me out of the room and into my Kingdom, into my home that was lost to me for years. Locasta. A Witches temple for many of us. A Kingdom that fell years before but has returned to its full glory—finally.
My home, at last. 

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