Ch. 33- Forevermore

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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

5 Years Later...

Everyone in the Kingdom of Ambrosia rejoiced with the news that our home finally finished being rebuilt. The last few years have been hectic to say the least, with the plans to not only bring back all the bedrooms and balconies that were destroyed, but adding special places for each and every one of us. Sebastian made it his mission to be the leader of my library and as much as I argued about it, I could not help but let him take control with it. Of course, I wanted to see what kind of books he acquired but he forbade me to enter the building at all. He even hired bodyguards so I wouldn't dare so I knew it was going to be quite the surprise tonight at the showing. The people in Ambrosia were invited to the grand showing of our new home and I was filled with nervousness and joy.

Because if Sebastian made a vow to surprise me with a library, it's only fair that I do the same. My lips curled into a grin as I looked around the music room that I helped build in the last few years. He loved creating music and using his powerful voice to do so and ever since I heard him sing for the first time, this is what I wanted to do for him. In the middle of the room was a silk black grand piano filled with our favorite songs. On top of the piano was a note ingrained in my own handwriting and I hoped to all the Gods he loved it. I hope he did. In the corner stood a guitar that belonged to my late friend Kellan Ayelet. It was black just like the piano and there was a hope that future generations would pick up his guitar and think about him. I made sure no one forgot him since I practically yelled at one of the painters to make him a portrait for this room.

For years, I wondered what to call this piece of art I helped make and I still have no clue. Maybe tonight I will think of a name. "Elora," Ellie spoke, leaning in the doorway as her violet eyes brightened with excitement. She wore dark jeans and a tight black top, wearing a leather jacket on top. Her heels, however, were bright red. Ellie's black hair was straightened as it ended down her waist. "They just told me it's finished and we can go see it right now if we want."

"Has anyone else seen it yet?" I questioned, walking towards her. As I left the music room, I locked it from behind and curled my arm around Ellie's. My best friend, my sister through everything.

We slowly walked down the hallway that allows light to occupy all of the space within, allowing every Vampire to sun-bathe on their way to their duties in the day. We called it the Solaris Room. "Not yet. I thought it was best for all of us to be surprised tonight with the rest of the Kingdom."

I nodded. "So that means we have to be patient until then? Gods, the anticipation is killing me."

Ellie laughed. "Really, Elora? You were the one that exclusively told me to not allow anyone but the sculptors inside that room until they were finished. Waiting until tonight will not hurt anyone, especially you, impatient girl."

"Fine, I guess I could listen to you for once." I sighed, rolling my eyes as we strolled around our newly furnished home, entering the kitchen full of the best chefs in the world. Plates of food were sprawled along the long prepping table in front of us and I spotted one with strawberries and whipped cream on top. I sneakily stole it before anyone could see and quickly darted out of the room with Ellie in hand.

She laughed again. "You do realize you are the Queen and can just ask for that plate of strawberries instead of stealing it?"

My mouth was already full of the sweet taste of the fruit as I replied, "How can I steal it if I paid for it?"

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