Ch. 4- Ruination

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"And there's plenty of ruin to go around."

There was nothing Eleanor Breevort could do to stop the truth running in her soul. She was born with it, with the ability to make someone else speak the truth that others could not. Most of the time, her Kingdom forgot that she was powerful too. Her brothers were the main focus, Sebastian with sunlight in his veins and Christian with the power to see the future. Ellie was always overlooked, no matter what. Her family was made of extraordinary powers, she knew that, yet late at night she wondered if someone would look at her with hope the way everyone does with Sebastian. The truth was there, holding her hostage for years. Her mother knew the truth even when Ellie was a young child. Eleanor Breevort was not someone who could stop wars and kill the Devil. She was simply Ellie, the immortal Princess with the violet eyes.
She loved all of them dearly to the point where she would go to the ends of the Earth in order for them to be happy and protected from the dangers of her world. But she wondered if they were willing to do the same for her. If she cared about them at all. Yes, they have told her numerous times how much they loved Ellie but the truth of it all resurfaced time and time again. She was a ghost to the people whom she loved the most. And no amount of partying or training or trying to be the hero ever changed that truth.
Ellie Breevort has lived for centuries, being forced to stay in her castle and look pretty. To not be like her sweet older brother and go out in the world and fight in the wars that humans started on their own. But she never wanted to be a Princess that sat still and didn't do anything to help save her Kingdom. Despite her mother's objections, she followed in Sebastian's footsteps. She trained in battle, using both her abilities as a Vampire and the power of truth to her advantage. And when Grace Alemont came to live at the castle, she trained her, too. Grace picked up quickly and in those months where Ellie Breevort trained Grace in the art of killing, they became inseparable. Best friends. They were always by each other's side, laughing at inside jokes and gossiping about other Vampires that lived in the palace.
"Have you heard that Sebastian brought home a brand new shiny doctor?" Grace asked, a grin on her face. "He knows everything about ways to fix wounds for our kind and all that. And he is gorgeous, too. You have to meet him, Ellie."
Ellie raised her eyebrows, curious. "I am not going after my brother's new best friend of the week. He will never let me six feet from his friend if he finds out."
Grace, with all her blonde hair and blue eyes, stopped short. "When have you ever thought about Sebastian's feelings when going after what you want? I see the look in your eye and I have not even mentioned his name. Do you even want to know his name?"
Ellie rolled her eyes and finally gave in to her friends nagging. "Fine, fine. What is this gorgeous boy's name?"
Her friend smiled ear to ear. "Oliver Harrington. The doctor that everyone is talking about. Maybe he will fix your broken heart." A pause. "Or a cold one."
She laughed. "Who is the one with the broken heart? It is not me, Grace." The two of them started walking down the hallway again. "They are not going to last, Grace. Segovia and Sebastian are not good together , I can see it. You have to believe me."
"I do, Ellie." Her friend whispered.
"So, not only do you think I am gorgeous but you think I can fix a cold heart?" A voice came from the doorway, a male with his arms crossed and leaning on the wall behind him. The male had brown locks and was wearing a suit made for a doctor, along with the grey eyes that pierced her whole body as they stared at her and her only. "Your Majesty, I apologize but I do know if I could fix a heart such as yours."
"I do not need any fixing." Ellie said flatly.
Oliver smirked at her, as if he could see past her lies. "You do not know me and I do not know you. Maybe you should go back to my brother and fix him."
The man stood up straight and walked closer to her and Grace, her friend trying her best to hide her smile. "I do know you. Prince Sebastian Breevort has talked about you. Ellie is it? The one and only Princess of Ambrosia? Or am I wrong?"
"So you know my name and my title. That does not mean you know me."
Oliver's head tilted to the side. "Do you want me to know you?" He asked. "I can make that happen, Ellie."
"You will have to figure that out on your own." Ellie said, walking away from Oliver with Grace following behind. She could tell that he chuckled as he watched her leave and it made her heart beat rapidly. Oh, no.  "Shit" Ellie cursed.
These days, I do not know whether I am dreaming or awake. I am not even sure what day it is or the last time I laid eyes on my family. All I know is that my greatest enemy is slowly starving me to death to the point that I can barely use my powers and move my body across the cell that she put me in. I groan loudly as I swipe a strand of hair away from my forehead, a tear sliding down my cheek in the process. This is the exact feeling my brother felt when rogue Vampires tortured him for months, stealing his blood for their own desires. They starved him. And now I am starving for just one taste of blood.
My eyes were slowly drifting closed when my cell door opened slowly, a woman walking in with her hands behind her back. She wore simple clothes, jeans and a long-sleeve shirt with a leather jacket. Her bright red hair made me realize that she is here to talk to me for the millionth time. Not only is Eva Miller taking away my right to feed but the right of being loyal to my Kingdom. She wants answers. She wants to know what her niece is planning. But I will take that to the grave if I have to. "Hear again, hmm?" I mumbled hoarsely. "Let me guess, to see if I am willing to tell you what they are planning to take you down?"
I looked into her eyes, similar to Elora's, and did not back away. Ever since she killed Jax, I laid awake wondering why in the hell would she do these monstrous things to her own family. Why does she hate Vampires so much? She is willing to start a war to kill us all and for what? Because Elora married Sebastian? Because she never got to feel that love with someone else? I have no idea. Eva inched closer to me and I could smell the taste of her sweet blood. If only she could move, she would be dead within seconds. "Very talkative today, are we?" She smirked. "At least you aren't dreaming of your dead mate."
My fangs ejaculated, hissing at her loudly. "Do not speak of him."
Eva chuckled. "You may believe I am a monster but I do have news. And maybe then you will tell me their plans." She paused for a moment, sighing as she looked around and then back at me. "I found one of my soldiers dead this morning, his head torn off and heart missing from his chest. He also had Vampire bite marks that led me to believe it was the girl and her boyfriend who did that." I took a deep breath. Kalama, what are you doing? "If you do not want me to go after them, you are going to have to tell me one thing that is vital for me."
I clenched my jaw, looking up at her as if I could kill her with my eyes. "The Wild Hunt." I blurted. "They follow Aeson."
Surprise flickered in her eyes for a moment, then it was gone. "Thank you, Eleanor. I will let you know if we have space for Kalama in a cell next to yours."
One second, I was sitting on the floor, the next second my hands were holding her neck with all the strength I had. Without hesitation, my fangs dug into her neck, blood seeping into my mouth and I swear it was the best I ever had. Someone else ripped me away from Eva and I knew it was a guard, his strong arms pushing me back enough for me to fall down. "Leave my niece alone."
"This is your own doing, Ellie." Eva seethed, closing the door behind her and disappearing from sight.
What did I do?
I am more awake than I ever was since I willingly imprisoned myself. I had blood that would last me a few days at most and I needed a plan to get out. I need to tell my brother that his daughter is in danger—again. I need to get out of this cell full of grime and the smell of death. An hour passed since I fed on Eva and I was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out a plan. When Kalama was locked in this place, she had the help of Vivienne. But I have no one but my own self. And if I wanted to survive, I needed to figure out how to get out of this fucking prison.
My eyes closed, focusing on the power within myself. The truth in my blood tells me what I want to know. It was weak, telling me the wrong way at first. But once Eva's blood started coursing through my veins, it told me where to go. I had to turn a right and then a left to walk up the steps and to freedom. I smiled as my eyes opened again, finally strong enough to leave this place.
With full force, I kicked out the door that was holding me inside, the door collapsing on the ground with a bang. I wasn't sure if I could use my speed just yet, but even without that I could run fast. I walked slowly at first, turning right and then left. There was no one here. I was alone. No enemies in sight.
Where the fuck were they? My eyes widened. No. They are on their way to capture Kalama. They just wanted information from me. Eva and her army did not give a shit about me. As I finally walked up the steps and out the door into the sunlight, I knew I was dead wrong. Her soldiers, part Soltari and rogue Fae, were standing right in front of me. Weapons in hand, they were waiting to kill me like they planned to. Part of me knew they weren't going to let me go so easily. I hope all of them know what I could do. Sebastian has the power of sunlight, Christian the power of the future, and me, the truth and command. It was useful in times like this, I suppose. I tilted my head up, glancing at them with a feral smirk on my face. I'm a fucking Breevort and I bow to no one. "So she left you goons here to kill me?"
The Soltari, who I guessed was the leader, stepped forward. It was a man with brown locks and blue eyes that shined in the morning sun. If looks could kill, he would have a high body count. "Eleanor Breevort. Do you really think she'll let you go?" He spat. "You are considered Elora's sister. And killing you would unravel her."
I stared at him, eyes glistening with rage. "Maybe. But I don't plan to die today, but you will."
"Is that a threat, Eleanor."
"What do you think it is?" I replied. "And for God's sake, stop calling me Eleanor." My hands went up in the air, using my powers in full force. Only a few people have seen the bright purple smoke that came out of my hands when I commanded. Sebastian was the first, then Oliver, Grace, and Elora. My parents don't know anything about it because I didn't want them to treat me like they did Sebastian.
All of them flew to the air, fear lightening their eyes within seconds. "Now is the time to beg for your life."
"We'd rather be tortured for eternity." The leader said.
A smile curled my lips, my power choking from the inside out. "Pity. I do like it when men beg. It makes it a lot more interesting, don't you think?" I paused. "All of you are the same, Soltari. Fae that I don't even recognize nor care what your powers are. You follow her blindly. Why? Because you want to mean something to the world? You want to be written in the history books? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are on the wrong side of history. And me? Well, I fucking killed demons to save the goddam world. My sister Elora killed the fucking Devil. You want to try to beat that? You cannot."
I'm coming for you, Ellie. Sebastian.
I smiled yet again. "Any last words?"
"You will suffer." He hissed.
I scoffed. "Already have and will do for eternity. Say hello to your princess for me, I did quite enjoy the sight of her head falling off her body." I moved one finger across all of them, their heads slicing off each one of their bodies like a piece of bread. I dropped my hands as their corpses fell to the ground, bleeding out. Before I left, I wrote a message in blood for Eva to find later. It was only fair, since she did the same to us not too long ago.
I am free. After what felt like months being tormented and deprived of blood, I can finally go home. But that was before somebody slammed me into a tree behind me, a sword against my throat.

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