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this is where all the project trainees will submit their audition tapes. please audition for vocal, rap, dance, and visual.


HOW TO APPLY: type in you trainee's name and the link of the youtube video you want to audition with. if you can't put the link or you don't know how to, but the name of the song and artist.


submit here

submit here

submit here

if you still want to apply for an for a trainee, you still may. applying ends March 1st, 2020.

if you did apply and you weren't in the project trainees groups, then it's because i didn't receive your application or your changed you wattpad username. if you did change your username, please leave a comment.

many of the project trainees applied for the same position, this helps me figure which one will be the main/lead/sub for vocal, rap, and/or dance. many of you applied for main vocal and we can't have more then one.

[HAITUS] MIDWAY | Pledis Entertainmentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن