Meeting Kakashi Sensei!

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Updated 8/19/23

Sonia's contemplation lifted like a veil, her thoughts redirected to the present by a familiar sight. Naruto's mischievous antics unfolded before her as he carefully wedged the chalkboard eraser into the door frame, positioned as a makeshift prank for an unsuspecting victim.

A dry chuckle escaped her lips at Naruto's endeavor. So, it was time to cross paths with Kakashi, the famed Jounin.

Sakura's voice, laced with curiosity, echoed her thoughts. "Um, Naruto what are you doing?" 

"Hehehehe, That's what you get for being late," Naruto's response resonated with victorious glee as he nimbly descended from his perch.

A typical Sasuke retort followed, his voice carrying the air of cool detachment.  "Pfft like a jounin would fall for such a stupid booby trap." Sasuke said acting all "cool" as Sakura puts it.

A smile touched Sonia's lips at Sasuke's predictable response, their interactions holding a well-worn rhythm. "You'd be surprised, duck butt," she teased, a glint of amusement dancing in her gaze as it shifted from the propped eraser to Sasuke's skeptical expression.

"Hn," his characteristic retort was aimed her way, a glare that seemed to regard her skepticism with disdain.

A murmur of sarcasm danced in the air as Sonia quipped, "Such a wide use of vocabulary." 

As the moments ticked by, the door opened, the frame giving way to Kakashi's appearance. Suspense hung in the air like a held breath as all eyes fixed on the doorway, waiting to witness the outcome of Naruto's prank. The eraser descended upon Kakashi's head with a muted plop, an unspoken chorus of victory resonating within the room.

"Haha hahaha you fell for it you fell for it." Naruto's triumphant laughter was a boisterous proclamation, his balance teetering dangerously as his amusement nearly toppled him over.

"I'm so sorry Sensei, I tried to stop Naruto but..." Sakura's voice trailed off, her sentence cut short by her understanding.

'Okay!! Okay!! That worked better than I imagined.'

'Is he really a Jounin? He doesn't seem very reliable.'

A wry grin played at Sonia's lips. "You guys do know that he let it fall on purpose, right?" Her observation sought to unveil the unspoken truth behind Kakashi's façade, casting doubt on the authenticity of the prank's victim.

After that said Kakashi started talking. "Hmm, how can I say this..? My first impression is...I don't like you guys. Now let's meet at the top of the building," Kakashi's smoke-infused departure triggered the next phase of their meeting, his words urging the genin to the rooftop. 

Following his lead, the four ascended to their destination, arranging themselves as if in a choreographed dance. Seated beside Sakura, Sonia cast a glance at the trio, her position sandwiched between Naruto and Sasuke. The physical distance felt symbolic, a reflection of the dynamics between them. While Sakura chose to distance herself, Sonia remained comfortably neutral, her presence an anchor of balance between the contrasting personalities.

"Well let's begin with introducing yourselves." Kakashi's words resonated, the prelude to unveiling their personalities and dreams.

Sakura's inquisitive voice sliced through the air, querying, "What do you want to know?"

Kakashi's response was a gentle prompt, guiding them through the unveiling of their inner selves. "How about your likes, dislikes... your dreams for the future and things like that."

Naruto's exuberance, like a burst of energy, erupted into the conversation. "Hey, hey why don't you introduce yourself to us first?!" His candidness painted his skepticism onto the canvas of words.

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