Wedding Sorrows 2

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Shuichi x Kokichi
some angst
They are adults

2 years later

Shuichi was tired, stressed and exhausted. Every move he made had to be calculated to insure kaede's safety. One wrong move and Naomi will take offence. Over the years he had made mistakes and Kaede had payed for it. Fingernails removed or her head held underwater till she almost passed out, anything that didn't cause permanent damage Naomi would do.
The constant stress had finally kicked into full affect, it had caused him to constantly fall behind on work. Now his company was paying the price, endless debts have piled up. No banks would give them a loan, and all his relatives either didn't care about him or were dead.

He considered asking his friends, but Rantaro was overseas, kaito was in space, maki was starting up an orphanage after quitting assassination and didn't have any money to spare. Kiibo and Miu were busy working on a new project, while gonta was in Amazon hunting down a new species of bugs. Himiko was on a world tour, Tenko was at a competition, and Angie was at an art event in America. Korekiyo was still traveling, and they weren't that close anyway. Tsumugi was overseas at an anime convention, while ryoma was busy helping maki with the orphanage. Kirumi was busy forming an alliance with some other country. The only person left was Kokichi.

Kokichi was now one of the most powerful people in the world. His organization D.I.C.E had taken the world by a storm. Their technology was the most advanced thanks to Kokichi hiring Miu and Kiibo. With a contract with Junko Enoshima the famous model, advertisement was no problem for them. They have connections in every field, contracts with famous celebrities like Maizano and Junko, partnerships with the Togami families and the Kuzuryu. Kokichi was at the top of the world.

Kokichi had the funding to help Shuichi, but would he even. Asking Kokichi would be a double edged sword. On one side his help would save Shuichi's detective agency and even evaluate the status. However Kokichi probably hated him, also Naomi did not like him seeing Kokichi.

Still it wasn't just his job on the line it was also his coworkers. With that thought in mind Shuichi decided to call a Kokichi to see if the could plan a meeting.

Kokichi was empty. There was this gaping hole where his heart should be. A hole created by Shuichi, but it didn't matter, right? He could use this hole to his advantage, and he did. Kokichi shoved all his emotions down that hole, let his facade take over completely.
Nobody really liked him anymore, expect for his coworkers. However they only really liked him because he was a fair boss, never picking favourites or discriminating anyone. His old classmates? They held obvious dislike towards him, expect Gonta of course and maybe Kiibo as well. The only reason he still turned up at the class reunions was to make more business connections.

Perhaps this why it was such a surprise for him to hear his phone ring at work. Of course, lots of people called him for work related purposes, but the phone that rang was his personal phone. The one that he barley used anymore. Figuring that it was probably just Gonta he picked it up, not bothering to check the caller ID.

Picking it up he answered "hello, this is Kokichi Ouma speaking, is there anything you need?"

He was not in the mood to put on a facade for a gone call. He simply just let his emotional state take over.

"Kokichi? Sorry for calling, your probably at work?"

Kokichi's heart leaped to his throat. Shuichi? His heart filled with past emotions of love and joy, only for them to be crushed. The words "pathetic" and "liar" sprang into his mind, as he reminded himself of what happened in the past.

"Shuichi, it has been a while. How is Kaede?", his words were empty and stale, as he tried to battle his conflicting emotions.

"Kaede is doing well. Kokichi if you don't mind, I need to ask a rather large favor from you." Shuichi asked bracing himself for rejection. His heart raced as he pushed down his love towards Kokichi.

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