"What about his parents? What happened to them?" I question.

"I don't know, that's all I remember." Scott replies. "But I got this feeling."

"What kind of feeling?" Stiles asks.

"They're coming back." The young boy, Alex, speaks up. "They're coming for me."

Lydia lets out a small sigh as she grips the steering wheel of the old parked car, glass shards scattered around.

"I'm not getting anything." Lydia tells me.

A loud howl is heard and I turn to see a coyote run through the parking lot, it's eyes glowing electric blue to show us that it's Malia. Malia turns back into her human form, naked. Lydia and I climb out of the and hand the girl some clothes which she pulls on.

"I don't think they're dead." Lydia tells Malia.

"They're dead." Malia protests. "Probably torn apart. The only thing I don't get is why there's no blood."

"They're not dead." Lydia insists. "If they were dead, I'd sense it."

"If they were alive, I'd smell it." Malia replies.

"Yeah I'm not getting anything either." Scott speaks up.

"Scott, what are you talking about?" Stiles asks, turning to his best friend. "You were in his head for four minutes, I timed it."

"Well, it's not an exact science." Scott replies. "He's a kid, maybe he's too freaked out to remember."

"Why does it matter if they're dead?" Malia questions. "Dead is dead."

"If it's just a robbery, we can't help them." Stiles tells Malia. "If it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them."

"It sounds like you want it to be supernatural." Lydia says.

Stiles sighs. "It's been about three months since anythings happened."

"Yeah and once a week you drag me out of bed like I'm some sort of supernatural metal detector." Lydia states.

"Okay, it is way more often than that." Stiles replies. "You can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?"

"What I'm saying is maybe that wouldn't be so bad." Lydia fires back, walking off with Malia.

I turn to Stiles. "You really drag her out of bed?"

"Yeah.. She is a banshee after all." Stiles replies.

"Stiles, if she feels something she'd let us know." I tell him. "You can't use her for her powers."

Stiles' face drops. "Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not." I reassure. "I'm also actually with you on this case. It has to mean something."

Stiles smiles then climbs into the abandoned car, Scott and I coming over to the window and looking at him with confusion.

"You're staring at a broken windshield." Scott states.

"There's something wrong with it." Stiles replies.

"It's broken." Scott says. "And it wasn't a magic bullet. It was a regular bullet that blew out a regular windshield."

Scott spins around, saying 'that one' to all the cracked windshields before spinning around to face us, the three of us realising something. Stiles leans forwards and grabs one of the shards of glass.

"Magic bullet." Stiles mumbles.

"Why haven't you signed up for your photo for yearbook?" I ask Stiles.

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