Adventures in babysitting Toddler Trystan; The Waterpark

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Naminé: *opens up text after arriving with the kids and Auron* Alright, Sarah said it'll be fine to bring Trystan to the water park as long as we make sure he doesn't go on a water slide or go into the deep end, especially without floaties on his arms.

Trystan: *sees a gigantic water slide and giggles as he falls out of his stroller and starts crawling towards it* Wah wah! :D

(This water slide but it's so tall that you can't see it past the clouds and it leads straight into the deep end of a big pool)

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(This water slide but it's so tall that you can't see it past the clouds and it leads straight into the deep end of a big pool)

Auron: *immediately notices Trystan crawling and quickly picks him up* No Trystan, no waterslides, your mom will kill me if I let you do that *heals a boo boo that was on Trystans head after the fall from the stroller*

Trystan: *pouts for a few seconds before smiling and biting his hand*

Auron: Oww, why're your baby teeth so sharp???

Naminé: He probably just wants something to nibble on

Auron: Well I'm not giving him a binky, he's two years old, he doesn't need o- oww *got bit again* Trystan stop biting me.

Naminé: Just do the helicopter game with him (totally not a Rugrats reference)

Auron: Seriously? But then the other kids will wanna join in too.

Naminé: At least it'll get Trystan to stop biting you.

Auron:....Who wants to do the helicopter game? *ends up having all four kids on him and he smiles as he pretends to be a helicopter with them* weeeeeeee

Trystan: *giggles* Daddy daddy! :D

Auron: Wh- no I'm Auron

Trystan: ?......Daddy! :D

Auron: D'oh!

Naminé: Auron here's where we can put the kids floaties on *points out a little station close to the shallowest end of the pool*

Auron: Oh thank goodness, alright kids we can play more once we get your floaties on, okay? *puts the kids back in their strollers*

*Once they got their floaties on, Naminé found them chairs and put away the strollers so that nobody trips over them*

Naminé: Alright, now we're re- agh hot hot! *quickly hops up onto the chair*

Auron: What's wrong? Did somebody hurt you?! wHeRe ArE tHeY?!?!?!

Naminé: No no it's just that I burned my feet on the ground, I forgot how hot it w- *notices Trystan crawling and not even reacting to the burning feeling of the ground* Auron baby at 9'o!

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