Adventures in babysitting 3 year old Trystan; Concern

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Auron: *making coffee to start off his day*

Trystan:....*gets out of bed and waddles over to Auron, hugging his leg* Daddeh!

Auron: Huh? What're you doing up already?

Trystan: *smiles and just hugs him*

Auron: *sighs before setting his coffee aside and picking him up* C'mon, let's get you back to bed *gently sets Trystan back down in his bed* Rest up buddy *kisses his forehead before going to drink his coffee, then afterwards, going outside to train*

Trystan: *wakes up again and notices Aurons not inside so he waddles out the door in search of his babysitter*

Auron: *sends a large wave of fire towards his target before seeing Trystan waddle in the way* HOLY *BLEEP*!!! *quickly uses his magic to protect him* TRYSTAN ARE YOU OKAY!?

Trystan:.....Daddeh! :D *waddles up and hugs his leg*



Auron: Alright Beth you ready? *about to spar*

Beth: Hell yeah I am *summons hundreds of knives and uses her magic to start throwing them at Auron*

Auron: *dodging them with ease till Trystan waddles in and gasps* Not again

Trystan: DADDEHHHHH ;~; *begins waddling towards him, falling flat on his face before getting back up and waddling again, almost getting stabbed but Beth just barely stopped it*


Auron: I thought he was *quickly bends down* what's wr-

Trystan: *hugs him* why she hurts you? ;^;

Auron: Pft, like she could hurt me

Beth: We're similar in power right now don't test me!

Auron: I'm still the stronger one though

Beth: If I wouldn't get censored I'd cuss you out you little—

*even later*

Auron: *fighting Zalin* Dammit! Who the hell even is this guy???

Trystan: *holding his teddy bear as he waddles outside* Daddeh! I made you coffee!

Auron: U-Umm! Just a second! *struggling to hold his own* G-Go back inside to your mom, kay???

Zalin: A Nagashi *was about to attack Trystan but Auron kicked the blade out of his hand and shoved him through a portal before sealing it*

Auron: *sighs in relief before landing* Trystan seriously I need you t—

Trystan: *holds up the coffee happily*


*at a meeting*

Auron: We have to get Trystan to stop being so attached to me.

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