Yoko City: Dreamers Paradise

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"But that's no fun!!" Marcus shouted annoyed by the fact that Rikka just left. with a sigh Marcus continues to say "let's see how long it takes for me to get the bell and lose the bot"

Marcus sped up after the bell not losing track of it even for a second. The Y.C.S.R struggled to keep up with Marcus until it used its thrusters to give it an extra boost. Soon the robot was not to far behind Marcus and was slowly getting closer and closer by the second. A small machine gun came out of the Y.C.S.R shoulder and started to rapidly fire rubber bullets at Marcus. Marcus surfed the air like he was surfing on water, avoiding all the rubber bullets. Marcus dived down just a couple 20 meters above the city chasing the bell. Marcus weaved through buildings and ally ways trying to lose the security robot while still avoiding the rubber bullets coming at him. The security robot managed to keep up with Marcus not losing track of him although it was starting to fall behind him. Marcus finally caught up to the bell and grabbed it.

"Congratulations you are the winner!" The bell said in a female A.I voice as it shined multiple colors

"Oh shut up" Marcus murmured to himself still annoyed about Rikka leaving. "Now time to lose this bot" Marcus said to himself

The security robot ceased its fire and focused on catching up with Marcus. It increased power into its thrusters making itself move even faster now, slowly closing the gap between itself and Marcus. Marcus looked back and saw that the security robot was getting closer and closer. With a smirk Marcus flew straight towards a power line. Marcus reached the power line and began to grind on it with his Sky Board. Electricity flew out of the power line and straight into his Sky Board.

"Let's see you keep up with me now opp bot!" Marcus shouted as he continued to grind on the power line

Sky Boards are modified to be able to absorb kinetic energy from power lines and other power outlets. In doing this it gives the Sky Board a charge up which then gives it the ability to thrust at great speed for a short period of time. However in doing so it does heat up the Sky Boards engine so constant use of it can blow up the Sky Board if its not given time to cool down. 

"Sky Board is now fully charged" Marcus Sky Board said in a female A.I voice

"Great!" Marcus thought to himself before hovering off of the power line

Marcus leaned forward shifting his body weight to the front of his board. With a big burst of electricity Marcus flew at the speed of sound tearing through the air and ridding the night wind. The burst of speed finally ended as the electrical charge had finished. The security robot was no were in sight, Marcus had completely lost the robot. Marcus had arrived in front of a 100 story apartment called Clayton, which was were Marcus lived. Marcus flew down to the ground before jumping off his Sky Board. "System shut down" Marcus said while holding his Sky Board. Marcus's Sky Board morphed into a cube like object the size of a tennis ball. Marcus slid the cube into his pocket before walking into the entrance of the apartment. 

The inside of the apartments first floor was mostly empty. It bad furniture neatly set up on a red carpet and a couple of vending machines neatly lined up as well. The floor was made completely out of tiles that were shiny enough for one to see their own reflection. Directly in front of the apartment entrance is a desk with a robot receptionist and adjacent on the right of the desk was an elevator and on the left of the desk was stairs. "Welcome back sir" the robot receptionist said greeting Marcus. Marcus gave the robot a sloppy wave as he waited for the elevator to come down. The elevator doors finally opened and Marcus walked in before clicking the button for the 70th floor, since Marcus lived in room 74. After a couple of minutes the elevator reached 70th floor and its doors opened. Marcus walked out of the elevator sluggishly and walked into his room. 

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